This image depicts the punishment of slaves convicted of participating in the major 1823 slave revolt in Demerara, British Guiana. Washington’s punishment of last resort was to sell enslaved people to other plantations, usually when they kept trying to run away. "The March" (caption translation). Pierre Jacques Benoit (1782-1854) was a Belgian artist, who visited the Dutch colony of Suriname on his own initiative for several months in 1831. Ferrer, the Captain of the Amistad, Joseph Cinquez Addressing His Compatriots on Board the Spanish Schooner, Amistad, Chatoyer, the Chief of the Black Charaibes in St. Vincent with his five Wives, Une femme des bosch-nègres; Espion; Bosch-Nègre, Execution of Participants in Slave Insurrection, Demerara (British Guiana), 1823, Retreat of British Military during Slave Insurrection, Demerara (British Guiana), 1823. For a description of this mask in Brazil, see image ewbank3. 7-1-10: The Negro woman ran away again with the bit in her mouth. "White Iron Mask that One Makes Negro Wear" (caption translation). think of going into the field . . However, he continues, a number of these women have family or other emotional attachments on the plantations from which they were taken, and sometimes escape and return to their plantations. For a comprehensive article on black history in the United States, click here. The so-called "Black Caribs" were descendants of the indigenous Caribs and fugitive black slaves from St. Vincent and neighbouring islands. "A Chief on a Trip" (caption translation). Some proslavery advocates asserted that many slaves were … In chattel slavery, the limits of slave punishments were only set by the masters, as they had the legal right to do whatever they wished. 14-15). Punishment was often meted out in response to disobedience or perceived infractions, but sometimes abuse was performed to re-assert the dominance of the master (or overseer) over the slave. A tin mask, such as is put on the heads of Negroes addicted to . In one instance, a man kidnapped about 60 slaves owned by the State Bank in Tuscaloosa County and took them to Florida, where they were forced to work on a plantation. Although Brunias primarily resided in Dominica, he also spent time in St. Vincent and visited other islands, including Barbados, Grenada, St. Kitts and Tobago. In 1845–1846, he travelled to Brazil and on his return published an account of his travels. This engraving shows an escaped slave sitting in his shelter, with various utensils and goods, including rifle and canoe, by a river in the jungle. Most slave law tried to control slave travel by requiring them … 11-30-09: Jenny and Eugene were whipped. Brazilian masters compelled slaves who were prone to eat earth or dirt to wear such masks. That means that they were sold to someone who lived much further south than Maryland, where it would be harder to run away because the distance to the North was so much greater. This article is part of our extensive resources on black history. He helped lead a revolt of many Africans on the Spanish slave ship, La Amistad. The plates were based on drawings made from life and were done between 1825, when Bridgens arrived in Trinidad, and 1836, when his book was published. Slaves were punished by whipping, shackling, hanging, beating, burning, mutilation, branding, rape, and imprisonment. The following 18th century description perfectly fits the hunter shown here. See also Frederick P. Bowser, The African Slave in Colonial Peru, 1524-1650 (Stanford University Press, 1974), passim, for the historical context of this drawing. Runaway slaves were branded on the forehead with letters denoting the slave as a runaway (FUG) which was an abbreviation of "fugitivus," meaning "runaway". Joseph Cinqué (ca. Some slaves were treated well, but there were few restraints on their owners' powers, and physical punishment and sexual abuse were common. One of these men was also sentenced to work for a year with a leg shackle. . He wrote this over 1,200-page manuscript between 1600 and 1615. The right leg of one was really almost as large as her waist" (p. 277). The title translations we use are taken from the website. For watercolors by Debret of scenes in Brazil, some of which were incorporated into his Voyage Pittoresque, see Jean Baptiste Debret, Viagem Pitoresca e Historica ao Brasil (Editora Itatiaia Limitada, Editora da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1989; a reprint of the 1954 Paris edition, edited by R. De Castro Maya. A jointed strap (of metal) on each side goes round below the ears (sometimes two), and meets one that passes over the crown of the head. The illustration also shows facial and body scarification, or so-called "country marks," indicative of African origin; the man in the center right also displays filed or modified teeth. Most of the collars were of five-eighths inch round iron, some with one prong, others with two" (p. 437). Benoit described this march as "a delegation, led by the granman. 1616), also known as Guamán Poma or Wamán Poma, was a Quechua nobleman from southern Peru known for chronicling the ill treatment of indigenous groups in the Andes after the Spanish conquest. yet he was. I met but three or four, and in each case the sufferer was a female. He returned to the West Indies in 1784 and remained there until his death on the island of Dominica in 1796. If slaves were caught on the underground ... they were whip hang or killed or serious punishment. In the accompanying text, Ellis described how "In one of their houses. employed in carrying fire-wood to the beach for shipping (p.145). William Ellis (1794–1872) was an English missionary and author, who went to Madagascar on three occasions in the 1850s. . dirt-eating, is seen hanging against the wall." . This form of slavery is in contrast to other forms such as bonded labor, in which a person pledged him or herself against a loan. Most of those who were returned to their owners were severely punished in an effort to deter others from attempting to leave. Benoit wrote that "from time to time the Bush Negroes raid plantations and kidnap enslaved women. 4-17-10: Byrd helped to investigate slaves tried for “High Treason”; two were hanged. Often runaways would be sold "south." \"Emanuel the Negro\" suffered the sa… ), 1879 (9th ed.). The slavery practiced in the United States prior to the Civil War was the legal establishment of human chattel enslavement, primarily, but not exclusively, of Africans and their descendants. "An Elder and his Slave" (caption translation). For other illustrations of the tin-mask in Brazil, see images ewbank3, debret-2, magasin1 on this website. He was tracked down, however, and he and 42 of the slaves were returned to Alabama. It included 398 full-page drawings - seven of which depict enslaved Africans. When an event takes place in the city that is of interest to them, whether it be preparation for war, the death of an important personnage or the arrival of a vessel, one of these Bush Negroes whose job is that of a spy and who maintains contact with Negroes in the city who let him know what is going on and as soon as he hears the news he goes into the country and using a small lead instrument, resembling a flute but only having one hole in the middle, he blows into it with force. 28, pp. when a slave stole an item they would be branded on the head with the letters FUR meaning thief. After disembarking, however, the elder proceeded to don a robe and carry an elaborate staff; his own slave put on a top hat and followed the elder into town." Copies of this work in the John Carter Brown Library and the British Library contain these illustrations (but with different paginations), but the illustrations are lacking in the Boston Athaneum and Library of Congress copies. See Jerome Handler, Determining African Birth from Skeletal Remains: A Note on Tooth Mutilation, Historical Archaeology [1994], vol. Despite the dangers, however, many runaways managed to find their way north, into states that had outlawed slavery. Much like these unfortunate children, slaves were also manipulated through tales of gods who would monitor them and punish those who dared to run away or attempt to regain their freedom. . 1616), also known as Guamán Poma or Wamán Poma, was a Quechua nobleman from southern Peru known for chronicling the ill treatment of indigenous groups in the Andes after the Spanish conquest. The image is also on the Mary Evans Picture Gallery (London) website, but the location and date are erroneously given as British Guiana, 1886. This lithograph, published as a broadside, is on display in the Chicago Historial Society museum exhibit A House Divided: America in the Age of Lincoln. If they ran away frequently enough and their owners felt they'd not stop, their ultimate punishment could be death and used as a lesson to scare other slaves into not running away. . The whip shown in this photograph is a modern replica of an object that historical evidence indicates was used to discipline enslaved laborers in the eighteenth century. Bridgens' book contains 27 plates, thirteen of which are shown on this website. Tags American Slavery Instruments of Torture slave punishment slave … . Raymond's book, which is an essential source for any study of Bridgens, also includes a number of unpublished sketches of Trinidadian slave life. They were punished with knives, guns, field tools and nearby objects. The Art Bulletin 67 [1985], pp. Poma de Ayala described in the image how “the Spaniards abuse their African slaves.” Felipe Huaman Poma de Ayala (1535–c. . . He was then appointed United States Commissioner of Patents by President Taylor in 1849. . Sometimes slaves are kept in the stocks two or three weeks, and whipped twice a week, and fed on gruel, because they run away or steal. While four of the servants received lesser sentences, the other two were ordered whipped and branded on the cheek with the letter R, and several years were added to their indentures. He stayed in Paramaribo, but visited plantations, maroon communities and indigenous villages inland. The rights of the master over the slave were in no way affected by his running away. © HistoryOnTheNet 2000-2019. He had only ventured twice to Paramaribo, to trade various forest products for lead shot, powder, and gin" (p. 59). . Site created in November 2000. Owners thought of their slaves … Benoit explained that "when a chief travels in the interior, he is followed by one or two young blacks, and in his hand he carries the symbol of his office, a long bamboo staff interwoven with large leaves and topped with a pommel or really a sphere/globe, which is somewhat like the staffs carried by our drum majors." He had a reputation for being mean. He stayed in Paramaribo, but visited plantations, maroon communities and indigenous villages inland. When the slave catchers caught up, the rebellious slaves and the white men engaged in battle. Bridgens' life is discussed extensively along with discussion of his drawings and presentation of many details on slave life in Trinidad in Judy Raymond, The Colour of Shadows: Images of Caribbean Slavery (Coconut Beach, Florida: Caribbean Studies Press, 2016). This engraving shows a procession of maroons. It included 398 full-page drawings - seven of which depict enslaved Africans. . A sculptor, furniture designer and architect, Richard Bridgens was born in England in 1785, but in 1826 he moved to Trinidad where his wife had inherited a sugar plantation, St. Clair. . Although he occasionally returned to England, he ultimately lived in Trinidad for seven years and died in Port of Spain in 1846. In the second case, dated July 22, six white servants and a black man were caught running away, and their punishments varied. Bridgens' racist perspectives on enslaved Africans and his defense of slavery are discussed in T. Barringer, G. Forrester, and B. Martinez-Ruiz, Art and Emancipation in Jamaica: Isaac Mendes Belisario and his Worlds (Yale University Press, 2007), pp. This plate, according to Bryant who made the drawing on which it is based. Some female slaves was punished so badly that they were left to die. Arriving in early 1765, Brunias stayed in the islands until around 1775, when he returned to England and exhibited some of his paintings. "Negroes: How they have so much patience " (caption translation). . The desire to own or control another human being—be it a child or a slave—is perhaps the greatest evil of all. The original manuscript is in the Danish Royal Library, Copenhagen and a complete digital facsimile, which includes the drawings, is available The Guaman Poma website. "A Bush-Negro Woman; Spy; Bush-Negro" (caption translation). It included 398 full-page drawings - seven of which depict enslaved Africans. Chattel slavery is so named because the enslaved are the personal property of the owners and bought and sold as a commodity, and the status of slave was imposed on the enslaved from birth. The original manuscript is in the Danish Royal Library, Copenhagen and a complete digital facsimile, which includes the drawings, is available The Guaman Poma website. 40, pp. . Plantation owners often made the other slaves watch the punishment to prevent them from slacking at work or trying to run away. They were sold away from their families or watched as their children were turned over to slave traders. The exhibition jury rejected the painting because its harsh theme would have offended the colonial ambassadors in Paris (William Hauptman, Juries, Protests, and Counter-Exhibitions before 1850. This engraving shows two men walking along a path. Running away was looked at as a serious crime, and many slaves were punished in various ways. Therefore, slaves in the American South experienced horrific levels of brutality. Journal of Caribbean History [2006], vol. The first two items denote runaways, but the mask is placed on city slaves to prevent them from drinking strong liquor and on the country-slave to prevent eating clay, to which many of the field-negroes are addicted (p. 132). . 105- 106; see also Hugh Honour, pp.153-154, 156). In referring to the Spy (espion), Benoit wrote that "the Bush Negroes are very distrustful and suspicious of Europeans, and to know what is going on throughout the colony, they have established a manner of communication no less prompt/quick than the telegraph. All rights reserved. It covered the American Civil War extensively, including many illustrations of events from the war. The ordinary punishments of slaves, for the common crimes of neglect, absence from work, eating the sugar cane, theft, are cart whipping, beating with a stick, sometimes to the breaking of bones, the chain, an iron crook about the neck... a ring about the ankle, and confinement in the dungeon. Some of them were carrying baskets of cotton or other articles from one room to another. According to the accompanying explanations, "1), upper right, Quamina, on plantation Success; 2), upper right, Lindor, on La Bonne Intention; 3), lower left, Paul, on the Friendship, and two heads at the middle-walk of Plantation New Orange Nassau; 4), lower right, Telemachus and Jemmy, on Bachelor's Adventure. And to make escape more difficult, the maroons attach to the necks of these women different types of bells (les grelots et la sonnette) so that they can be aware of any movement made by the women." Kidder 's work, e.g., 1866 ( 6th ed miles to the,... Enslaved man wearing an iron mask over his face 10 of the master over the were. Bush Negroes hide them in the United States, click here depicts punishment... Indian planters. of African birth among enslaved West Indians `` it is said slaves in masks are not often! Humor, alongside illustrations of fingers and toes managed to find their way north, into States had. Hicks how were slaves punished for running away? 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