It is a classic noir tale of duplicity: Ann Sutton, the wife of a wealthy psychiatrist, suffers from insomnia and kleptomania. If you don’t challenge me on that, I will be very much dis­appointed. After that I began to get complimented on being so brave, and being harassed about being gay. You will outline a certain right which this man has, whether it be of privacy, or what-not. , an indispensable predicate of freedom. I ask you to bear with me during this little piece of historical recollection. For you to be right, of course, you need someone else to be wrong, as so the ego loves to make wrong in order to be right.” ― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose tags: ego , judgement , opinion , perspective , right-and-wrong All content copyright © original author unless stated otherwise. Is it the big corporation, the big union? The reason why Soviet Russia is godless is precisely because it pretends to be all-powerful. How to preserve liberty? Here is the next fact of life which lawyers must know. George Mason, the author of the Bill of Rights in Virginia, was trying cases by citing Bonham’s Case and Calvin’s Case and the other decisions that were decided according to the natural law limi­tations upon government. #2 "Right is wrong" again you go left, since the right path is wrong. And unless your govern­ment is a servant, it is a master. But all of our colonies were in full flower in 1689, at the time of "The Glorious Revolution" in England. Do you ever have trouble telling right from left? So your first lawsuit is going to in­volve a distinction, not between right and left, but between right and wrong. A master govern­ment cannot withstand competi­tion with God. The King was no longer supreme. the opposite i imagine. One was life, and the other was liberty. Right: some are better than others. Dr. Fauci go vaccinated on live TV. For that reason, as I said at the outset, I am inclined to be anti-semantic. Actually, I was/am gay, but since I don't fit the typical stereotypes, I'd managed to avoid the whole homophobia brouhaha. Then in my Economics class, the teacher made a joke about it (with no ill-will, he made fun of everyone), which of course drew the attention of the entire class. We live in a day when everyone is pushing for their rights: civil rights, womens rights, consumers rights, labor rights, gay rights, childrens rights and every other minority groups rights. For conservatives, the answer is, and has always been, that there are moral truths — objective moral standards — to which every person is accountable. Remember that "right" always means something similar to "correct" or "true"—the word "right" as in right-hand, means strong or correct in many languages, including English. What is the definition of a constitution? That is the hardest question of all. If British subjects had no rights that Parliament was bound to respect, then creatures of God, by divorcing themselves from all connection with. Mind you, right here is the point of a critical controversy. After that there are only three things that can happen to that lawsuit. But how did government get to be a servant, and what keeps govern­ment from being a master? opposite of right = wrong. This is the basis of our "equal protection of the law." Just the way I like it. Take a look at that Declaration of Independence. Where does it come from? In "1984" the: Ministry of Truth (MINITRUE) told nothing but lies. the wrong things you want to do, always knowing that you will want to do exactly the same thing tomorrow morning, and will have to deny it again. Well, you say, "That is purely hypothetical." I don’t believe that everybody in this law school gets the same grade. Then in your allegation you will charge a wrong by the defendant, the wrong being the impairment of the right which your client had, and which should have been left undisturbed. That, as I see it, is why God is a very important political argument in the United States, an indispensable predicate of freedom. In Left Is Right and Right Is Wrong and Left Is Wrong and Right Is Right (1999), he appropriates Whirlpool, a little known 1949 Otto Preminger film. Nearly a hundred years later, in 1776, we staged a revolution. 468 talking about this. And whenever you try to equalize or stereotype humanity, by whatever name you call it, you are destroy­ing the civilizing germ of differ­ence. Fire has been the cause of more disasters than any other one instrumental­ity in the history of the human race—and government is like that. Finally Parliament made this fact known to us, that as British subjects, we had no rights that Parliament was bound to respect. And then num­ber two. and lastly #4 left is left, you go right, and the left is left unwalked. Thereafter we went through the establishment of the various other colonies. In other words, the re­straint upon government now de­volved entirely upon the wisdom of the electorate, and there it stays in England today. opposite of left = right. But at the same time, unless you keep government as you keep fire, under control, checked and balanced, separated, divided, tied down, government will destroy you. But what about liberty? It is also known that Dr. Fauci wears a watch on his left arm (like most of us). The only institution that has de­stroyed human liberty irrevocably is big government. That was changed in 1689 by what is called "The Glorious Revolution" in England. The most efficient type of govern­ment is an absolute despotism. I was wrong. 1 quote have been tagged as left-is-right-and-right-is-wrong: James Dewar: ‘Books and minds only work when they're open.’ In the years between the estab­lishment of these American colo­nies, including Connecticut and New Haven, the only law that was applied here was Coke’s natural or common law, along with the Mo­saic Law, and the moral law. Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death. An Investigation of Handedness - Some Myths, Truths, Opinions and Research about handedness, left-handedness and laterality The position of an Almighty Creator in the uni­verse was thus stated in the Dec­laration of Independence, not as a matter of faith, but as a matter of fact. Let’s examine that for a mo­ment. Your government is not stream­lined for efficiency. Calvin’s Case could no longer be cited against any act of the present British gov­ernment, because the British Par­liament can do anything to or with the English people or their prop­erty that it desires to. The law itself is an im­plementation of government. How, for example, did our se­manticists ever get us divided between right and left? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except for material where copyright is reserved by a party other than FEE. Liberty is limited government. That assertion was the first breath of the new life of this re­public. That little fingerprint of yours is not merely a means for the detec­tion of crime. Wrong is the opposite of right, but not left. That is significant. All men are not born equal. I think, as a law­yer, I must conserve American moral and cultural resources against the exploitation of those who would use government to des­troy them. Finally Parliament made this fact known to us, that as British subjects, we had no rights that Parliament was bound to respect. Posted September 4th, 2017 at 5:36 pm However, after you have made the al­legation that your client has a right, and that the defendant com­mitted a wrong in violating the right, the die is cast. Calvin’s Case could no longer be cited against any act of the present British gov­ernment, because the British Par­liament can do anything to or with the English people or their prop­erty that it desires to. I read it as it's a matter of 4 different choices, #1: "left is right", you go left, it's the correct way. Now, how can government pre­serve these rights? I may have the power but not the liberty to de­stroy his right. This is a little saying to help straight men remember which ear they can get pierced. That is one thing. You are graduated all through life. Up is down, left is right, right is wrong? No. In order to determine the rectitude of a thing, or the wrong of an action, you must have certain inflexible moral standards of judgment. The left-right spectrum is often characterized in terms of two extreme poles. One point I do think that Colmes gets wrong is his instance that the left does not vilify the right in the same mean spirited way that the right vilifies the left sure we do! Nearly a hundred years later, in 1776, we staged a revolution. It is just as simple as that. Most tyrants are sufficiently logical to do that, as is the one with which we are presently contending, Soviet Rus­sia. Even more bizarre, both the right and the left have very similar solutions in mind. However, you might be surprised to learn that studying how God uses individual words, can be beneficial. That was all the law that the early American judges had to apply in this country. What about freedom? The di­vision between right and left has a mere directional connotation. A self-evident truth carries its proof on its face. Re­member that our first American colony was established in 1607 at Jamestown. I am not at liberty to kill the man next to me. Purpose of Judges. Some scholars believe that this is because most people are right-handed, meaning their right hand would be stronger or more adept than their left. So your first lawsuit is going to in­volve a distinction, not between right and left, but between right and wrong. That, in brief, is why I am a conservative. is limited government. The law is a "department of conservation," and you are one of its officers. Who's to say our opinions are right or wrong? The Founding Fathers looked over 6,000 years of human history, and saw the God-given rights of man burned to a crisp at least once in every gener­ation by the fire of government. You have to have practical restraints, balls and chains. The compromising of a lawsuit is a very important part of legal practice, and sometimes the most profitable. But Lord Coke was restraining the Crown by citations of the natural moral law. The people on the left were in favor of radical change, socialism and republican… Standing up for ones rights seems almost American. That is the beginning of your individuation, and beyond that your differences sprout in every direction. You say, "Well, these are legal standards that we apply in the courtroom. And unless your govern­ment is a servant, it is a master. you will first affirm a right in your client. If and when you get into the prac­tice of criminal law, you will have great respect for fingerprints. In Old English, lyft/left meant "weak," the left side of the body being considered the weaker side. 10 years ago. Another ill-conceived approach to the left-right political spectrum is the attempt by some to define the political alternatives by reference to the size or percentage of government. Ministry of Love (MINILUV) tortured people to beyond the edge of sanity, and then executed them, once they came to accept and love Big Brother. Maybe, a right-handed one can even “draw with right brain”. Can you think of any other service you are going to have as a lawyer? If you win the suit and establish the right categori­cally, you make a precedent. Parliament as­cended to the supremacy. It is exactly like fire, useful, necessary, but at the same time the most dangerous instru­mentality on earth. The King was no longer supreme. Each title is fine by itself, but there are too many of them. H appy Left-Handers Day 2019! From an address at the Yale Law School. Parliament as­cended to the supremacy. As a mat­ter of fact, the only colony that was established after 1689 was, . "We hold these truths…" they said, and they under­scored the expression by affirming these truths "to be self-evident.". In the Declara­tion of Rights of 1774, these men had made their final plea for the rights of Englishmen. I don't like being known as "the gay guy," though I do suppose most of my WUs are about gay stuff (the old "write what you know", I guess). OR. Before 1689, the American Colonies had been all but finally settled. So if you want efficiency in government, don’t look for liberty. And so in 1776 they declared the rights of man in these words. Then in your allegation you will charge a wrong by the defendant, the wrong being the impairment of the right which your client had, and which should have been left undisturbed. And that brings us to the fourth and final fact, and here is where lawyers come in. Number one. In Latin, the word for "left" is sinistra. We began to argue with, in 1765 or thereabouts, when a difference of opinion de­veloped as to the rights of Eng­lishmen. Right and wrong was the division that I grew up to understand and respect. It took us nearly 100 years to find out what had happened in Eng­land, because we didn’t have the informational devices we have now. That was all the law that the early American judges had to apply in this country. Former Dean of the School of Law, University of Notre Dame, Dr. Manion now heads theManion Forum. Left is right and right is wrong. If these things were all clear-cut, there wouldn’t be any lawsuits. I submit that two of those would have sufficed, and that even the third one could stand alone without loss. I got my right ear pierced because I thought it would look better there, because it'd be easier for me to take care of, and would hurt less because most of the time I sleep on my left side. There are other inalienable rights, but the Founding Fathers postu­lated these two in plain terms, life and liberty. Is this not the stupidest thing you've ever heard? This is our third truth, namely, that all men are endowed—not by the Bill of Rights, or the Constitution, or the statutes, or by common consent—but men are endowed, it says in the Dec­laration of Independence, by their Creator, by God himself, with cer­tain rights which are inalienable, that can’t be taken away from them. All men are not physi­cally or materially equal. Thereafter we went through the establishment of the various other colonies. The di­vision between right and left has a mere directional connotation. You say, "I will go along on God, and equality, and the creative source of rights. Left: wrong, except when directed at the political. On Syria: Where the Left is right and the Right is wrong . I will always remember that. I know that is not the philosophical definition but it is the practical definition. Others want to be farmers, fabricators, plumbers, professors—until we have a whole complex of differ­ences throughout the world. But what has the last fact, the last of the four cornerstones to do with it?" And you may be wrong again in your allegation that the defendant was wrong in violating the alleged right, which may not have been a right in the first place. There is a God. Everybody has different ap­titudes, different drives, and therefore they are different in achievement. I can have objective legal concepts with­out having objective moral con­cepts.". I did not know about this whole "gay earlobe" thing when I got my ear pierced. I don't have a problem with Christians, it's Biblical Literalism I can't stand, Why mirrors reverse left and right, but not up and down, War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength, 13 O'Clock: The 2013 Halloween Horrorquest, if I could play god there'd be one less child abuser. Both the Left and the Right in Syria are "statists" - power hungry, reaching to gain control of the state apparatus. That fingerprint distinguishes you from everybody who now lives or who has ever lived on the face of the earth. Right - Left Confusion? As a lawyer I feel that I must be a conservative. It is just as simple as that. Everything you do for a client, in your office or out, that is honorable and ethical, will be done to preserve his rights under God and the law. Right and left, if you please, is no way to divide society on eco­nomic, political, or social issues. Left is Right. The Founding Fathers looked over 6,000 years of human history, and saw the God-given rights of man burned to a crisp at least once in every gener­ation by the fire of government. Its job is to preserve the gifts of God with which each man is endowed. There is an association of opposites in the idea of governmental efficiency and hu­man freedom. One way to see that this is incoherent is that these poles can be defined in mutually incompatible ways. I go along with the theological experts who will say—and I agree—that liberty is mere­ly my right to do what I ought to do. Free­dom will take this complex of dif­ferences and make a civilization out of it. My point in underscoring this process is this: You, as lawyers, throughout your legal life are go­ing to be addicted to right and wrong, not right and left; and any compromise between right and wrong, whether it is in a lawsuit or in society and politics, is es­sentially a temporary stratagem, which serves nothing but expe­diency. Wallis gave the book three titles: "God's Politics: Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It: A New Vision for Faith and Politics." In the end, it started to annoy me. That is the ra­tionale of our Constitution. You see, the finger­print principle is extended throughout your personality. Right and wrong was the division that I grew up to understand and respect. That is why constitutions are the sym­bols of liberty, precisely and only because liberty means limited gov­ernment. Or third, you may com­promise it. The second thing is, you can lose it; you may be wrong about your right, and the defendant may be right about his wrong. Right: great men who founded the greatest society. Life is still unassail­able in all civilized society, in­cluding ours. It is because of what was said in the Declaration of Independence—equal before God, equal before the law, and unequal in every other way. Today, we know what the British Prime Minister said yes­terday, and all of its significance; but in those days, it took a long time for the truth to seep through. Murder is a heinous crime. Overall-I think the message is a good one however much we may disagree with one another we are still citizens of this country. Well, when I showed up at school with my newly adorned right-ear, no one really noticed it at first. The right just does a better job at it. Sometimes the words can mean position, a direction, etc. On Syria: Where the Left is right and the Right is wrong. In this case, the word “left” and the word “right” have many different usages. In our Declaration liberty is made equally inalienable with life, a God-given, inalienable right, with­out which man loses his nature. There is no inefficiency in the government of Soviet Russia, be­cause not more than twenty men in the Politburo now control the destinies of 200 million slaves, for that is what the poor, benighted, tortured Russian people are. Wouldn’t that be easier? They are based on the seating arrangements in the French National Assembly — those who sat on the left of the chair of the parliamentary president supported the revolution and a secular republic, and opposed the monarchy of the old regime. And for that reason—and this to law­yers is important—for that rea­son they are equal before the law of the land. The left ear is ok, the right ear means you're a limp-wristed pansy . Many people, even adults, say that they confuse right and left. That was finally made plain be­tween 1765 and 1776. , was trying cases by citing Bonham’s Case and Calvin’s Case and the other decisions that were decided according to the natural law limi­tations upon government. Both are very wrong. I may have the power but not the liberty to de­stroy his right. I do mean it. Log in or register to write something here or to contact authors. If British subjects had no rights that Parliament was bound to respect, then creatures of God, by divorcing themselves from all connection with Great Britain, could establish their rights under God and the natural law. Right, Left, Right, Wrong! Con­sequently, I think that the divi­sion of our population into right and left, and conservative and liberal, is a fragmentation of the proper meanings of words. Like Fire, a Dangerous Servant and Fearful Master. But practically, liberty means limited government. Anonymous. That was begun in 1689. Wrong is the opposite of right, but not left. They said, "We hold these truths…." We then wrote the Declaration of Inde­pendence, in which we abandoned all reference to "rights of Eng­lishmen" and talked about the rights of man, the rights of God’s creatures. It appears in the same docu­ment. Wouldn’t it … Left: all equal. For example, 71 of 364 (19.5%) college professors and 311 of 1185 (26.2%) college students said that they occasionally, frequently or all of the time had difficulty when they had to quickly identify right from left. Why Both the Left and the Right Are Wrong: Immigration and Multiculturalism in Canada - Volume 50 Issue 3 - Randall Hansen. Is it the big corporation, the big union? That is providential. Re­member that our first American colony was established in 1607 at, . Let’s see if it is. No. You may have made a very profitable transaction, but that compromise will never go in­to a case book to guide future law students. But a paper doesn’t have to be entirely right to be useful; it depends on the severity of the mistake. When you men get into legal practice and you frame your first petition, if you live in Ohio, (or complaint, if you live in Indiana) you will first affirm a right in your client. Now I just fade into the background. Right and wrong was the division that I grew up to understand and respect. Cultures. I dare say that there are people here, as there are people every­where, who will tell you that the Declaration of Independence was simply an emotional exercise, an escape valve for the revolutionary pressures of those times, which means nothing. The answer to this question — the most important question human beings need to answer — is a major difference between Left and Right. Both the Left and the Right in Syria are “statists” – power hungry, reaching to gain control of the state apparatus. But you can’t keep government in service merely by making a dec­laration that it is a servant. There is no morality about them. People would whisper around me in line for the movies, beautiful girls suddenly started talking to me ---inviting me to parties, I was approached and asked to join the Triangle Club (the queer club), and I was just treated differently, though not badly, per se. That is hackneyed, old hat in American terminology to­day, "Servant Government." But practically, liberty means limited government. We then wrote the Declaration of Inde­pendence, in which we abandoned all reference to "rights of Eng­lishmen" and talked about the rights of man, the rights of God’s creatures. Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Government is a servant. I won’t labor the point, but I will sketch it briefly. It says in the Declaration that the source is a self-evident truth. What is the opponent of liberty throughout history? I imagine that some get high marks, some low, some in between. A limitation upon government. The law is a protective, a conservative device, if you please. Matthew 28:18 - And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. On the con­trary, it is hobbled for inefficiency. The Founding Fathers rested their case on four truths held to be self-evident. Back in the years before 1689 in England, when Lord Coke, the great Lord Chief Justice, was writing deci­sions, you will find (in Calvin’s Case and Bonham’s Case) that Coke was thundering limitations upon government that were not written in constitutions because England didn’t have and doesn’t have today a written constitution. That is what makes for civilization. today. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength? Take a look at it. One of the flags from the American Revolution shows a snake with the motto, Dont tread on me! What has that to do with our heritage of law? In other words, the re­straint upon government now de­volved entirely upon the wisdom of the electorate, and there it stays in. I just got my left one pierced too. Despite what you've been told, you aren't “left-brained” or “right-brained.” A time-old way of categorizing someone’s personality is to determine whether that individual is “right-brained” or left-brained” — right-brained people are thought to be more spontaneous, creative, and artistic, while left-brainers are associated with being more logical, detail-oriented, analytical. All because I put a hole in my ear. It is the fact of God, and of God’s crea­tion, that subordinates govern­ment to service. So the greatest guarantee the Founding Fathers accepted for the subordination of government to service rather than mastery was the acknowledgment of God, in the first place. Ought to do whole complex of differ­ences throughout the world job is to preserve the gifts God. Of two extreme poles are wrong: Immigration and Multiculturalism in Canada - Volume 50 Issue 3 - Randall.... Our `` equal protection of the law that the early American judges had to apply this... Make a precedent suddenly everyone knew who I was ; I was, you... Civilization out of it. except when directed at the same grade to. Along with the theological experts who will say—and I agree—that liberty is mere­ly my right to be anti-semantic,... The end of every lawsuit you are going to in­volve a distinction, not between right and left be to! Fearful master. establishment of the electorate, and what keeps govern­ment from being a master govern­ment can not competi­tion... 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