zu Bestimmungen des Übereinkommens sowie seiner Anhänge E, F und G sein, für die der Ausschuss gemäss Artikel 17 § 1 sowie Artikel 33 § 4 Buchstaben a), e), f) und g) zuständig ist. Always start with: Sorry to bother you--however, I would very much appreciated if you give me some of your time. This is the letter for settling of the appointment. Can we discuss this ter the meeting? ob wir denn heute diese Debatte hier im Europäischen Parlament überhaupt abwickeln können oder nicht. Photo by Christina Morillo under Pexels License. Use discuss or have a discussion about instead: I discussed my problem with my parents. And that person happens to be you. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "have a meeting to discuss" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. We have an ample supply of different kinds of fruits and vegetables in the market. An Introduction To Strategy Review Meetings 2. Here are ways you can write an email to arrange a meeting with people you work with. These examples mean the same thing but the second is more formal and would typically mean you are not just going to meet a friend or have a casual meeting or date. Every day we have a meeting to discuss the news, to toss around ideas, to think about which writers might be good on which subjects. I’d like to arrange / organise / call a meeting… … to discuss our strategy / plans … to clarify our policy on / our response to … … to prepare for the exhibition / conference … to finalise details / preparations for … … to establish guidelines / our procedure for … … to examine our financial position … to review our options / our spending / our budget / our policy on… The meeting will b… There’s always a person who is tasked to take note of the key points that the meeting has discussed or achieved. You just need to prioritize. Meeting Preparation 4. We do. You did it! das Geschäftsjahr 2003/2004 befasst, die Entscheidung des Gesamtaufsichtsrates zu diesen Fragen vorbereitet und den Gesamtaufsichtsrat über das Ergebnis seiner Beratung unterrichtet. OVB is pursuing a dual approach in this area: apart from addressing business owners and, management, it also offers all employees the, Dabei verfolgt die OVB in diesem Bereich einen dualen Ansatz: Neben der Ansprache der Unternehmer und des, of the mandarin protocol and the creation of CPVO technical protocol. Attendees have a written list of what is to be achieved by the meeting. That is often lacking in conventional, regular meetings. Effective meetings are interesting, high-energy events where team members work together to make decisions or solve problems. I feel that all of the sentences does not sound right. ; talk over or write about, especially to explore solutions; debate: to discuss the proposed law on taxes. We meet every week using the same agenda to monitor and manage our day-to-day operations. I want to know his timing and venue. In the event of the delivery of faulty goods, the MÖVE Fahrzeugsitze GmbH Company may demand the following if, the respective legal and the below listed, purposes of elimination of defects or additional. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. Wenn kein persönlich oder durch Bevollmächtigten bei einer Hauptversammlung anwesendes Mitglied vor dem Ende der Versammlung einen Einwand gegen eine vom Vorsitzenden der Versammlung über das Ergebnis einer Abstimmung bei der Versammlung gemachte Erklärung oder gegen die Richtigkeit oder Gültigkeit des Verfahrens bei solch einer Versammlung erhoben hat, gilt diese Erklärung des Vorsitzenden als wahre und korrekte Bekanntgabe des Wahlergebnisses, und die Versammlung gilt in jeder Hinsicht als ordnungsgemäß und gültig konstituiert und abgehalten, und ein Eintrag im Protokoll der Vereinigung, dass ein Antrag angenommen bzw. Follow this “plan” to write a simple, concise and clear email. We have looked into the details of your company and we are looking forward in dealing with the package you have offered. Try this meeting cost calculator by Harvard Business Review. You might already have a relationship with that person, and if you do then you should be sending them text messages, or this might be the first time you’re reaching out to them. Our company would like to offer you to be your official supplier. Maybe we can come back to that later/ in a later meeting (if we have time). As Daniel Mezick says in The Culture Game: good games have a clear goal, a clear set of rules, a way to receive feedback or “score” your progress and opt-in participation. Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Arbeitsgruppe "Tank- und Fahrzeugtechnik", Herr A. Bale. Diana Cleary is already on her way to her well-deserved vacation when she suddenly gets a call from her colleague Pramod Viswanath He has an important appointment in two hours time but is stuck in a traffic jam The freeway is congested, all lanes closed Theoretically Diana could stand in for her colleague, but neither did she take her laptop along nor did she prepare for the appointment The solution to the problem is smaller than a pack of tissues and fits into a jacket pocket: the Smartphone, a gadget that combines a mobile phone with an organizer integrating Office applications Diana Cleary stops at the next parking lot She downloads the most important data and the current product presentation, which her colleague, Diana Cleary ist bereits auf dem Weg in den wohlverdienten Urlaub, als sie der Anruf ihres Kollegen Pramod Viswanath erreicht Er hat in zwei Stunden einen wichtigen Geschäftstermin, aber steht im Stau Die Autobahn ist gesperrt, nichts geht mehr Theoretisch könnte Diana für ihren Kollegen einspringen, doch sie hat weder ihren Laptop bei sich, noch ist sie auf den Termin vorbereitet Die Lösung des Problems ist kleiner als ein Päckchen Papiertaschentücher und passt in jede Jackentasche: das Smartphone, eine Kombination aus Mobiltelefon und Organizer mit integrierten Office-Anwendungen Beim nächsten Parkplatz hält Diana Cleary an Sie ruft die wichtigsten Daten und die aktuelle Produktpräsentation ab, die, gelungenen Produktpräsentation nichts mehr im Wege, After the meeting there will be a Social Event with the opportunity to meet and get to know various, Nach dem Treffen wird es ein Social Event geben, bei dem die Möglichkeit besteht, verschiedene Mitglieder des Teams und der Generalversammlung der, Indeed, at a time when the European Union is on its last legs, given tha, Zu einer Zeit, da die Europäische Union am Ende ist, nimmt man nur einmal die. Regards, Sometimes, a meeting is needed to air new ideas. The worst meetings bring time to a crawl leaving everyone mentally and emotionally exhausted and more than a little bit frustrated. Or, do you have a better sentence? Delaying a decision/ Continuing the discussion later. People sometimes say ‘discuss about something’. DiscoverLIA COVID-19Ludwig Initiative Against COVID-19. See more. Clear HR Consulting shares 7 tips on how to make your staff meetings more effective, along with 5 common staff meeting mistakes to avoid. Changing topic/ Moving on . Recap before you’re done. A formal business meeting could start in the following ways: When leading a meeting, it’s important you ask everyone to introduce themselves and provide a brief meeting agenda. For your convenience, I added a few suggestions for a date and time. 1. Please let me know if above sentence is correct or how could I improve it for a meting request at the workshop. By clicking "I Accept" or "X" on this banner, or using our site, you accept our cookie and privacy policy. year 2003/2004, prepared the decisions of the entire Supervisory Board relating to these questions, and informed the entire Supervisory Board of the result of its consultation. To offer support. E, F and G, for which the Committee has responsibility in accordance with Article 17 § 1 and Article 33 § 4 a), e), f) and g). Defining The Process 3. Sie treffen sich immer wieder auf den häufigen internationalen, Der Konferenzraum "Meeting Europe" wird Bürgerinnen aus ganz Europa die, Furthermore a team of the IBO makes a visit to the manufacturer's works for the relevant product in order to see the products, Außerdem wird durch ein Team des IBO ein Werksbesuch im Herstellerwerk des jeweiligen Produktes durchgeführt, um, amendments to provisions of the Convention and its Appendices. About 300 workers have attended a meeting to discuss the planned closure of Newport passport office. rund 150 aktionäre waren zum lagebericht durch den Vorstand und zu. Author dalmat3 (639963) 18 Dec 13, 08:55; Comment: I would appreciate a meeting to discuss our collaboration. It will be an honor to work with you as a team and looking forward to have a great association. Looking forward to discussing what we can do for each other in more detail. Every company or organization conducts meetings to discuss certain topics, issues or development. While that discussion can be held over a messaging platform, a conversation will reach the decision point much faster. Here are a few things you can do at the end of an online meeting (and beyond) to maintain clear communication from everyone involved. Many translated example sentences containing "have a meeting to discuss" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. It's highly likely that we'll have to organise another meeting when you can be available. Mention everything that you will be doing, so that every one of your colleagues can come in prepared. I would be happy if we could set a meeting to discuss our collaboration. Talk story about a meeting to discuss federal urban policies, sponsored by the Regional Plan Association. The Meeting 5. I am excited to discuss further about the project. from inspiring English sources. 04 Hi! Discuss definition, to consider or examine by argument, comment, etc. Meetings happen because they do, there can be a fuzzy process where some talk and others mentally check out, there’s not always follow-up to action and they are often mandatory. The “leader” has prepared an agenda for the meeting , and has distributed it to all members prior to the meeting with sufficient advanced notice. They will have a meeting to discuss it". Just tell me day and time you think you can be available for me, please. The meeting will discuss the list of filed claims and the Winding; up Committee's position towards the recognition of claims insofar as it is available. You may also like. Thank you very much for your help. Germany (see report OTIF/RID/CE/GT/2007-B). Kind regards, [Your name] 3. A study of time budgeting found that a single weekly meeting of mid-level managers cost an organization $15M a year! The Commission has invited representatives of the CAAP and Cebu Pacific to a technical meeting to discuss in more detail these safety actions and other relevant factors in relation to the accident. The purpose of most meetings is to discuss current problems and make decisions. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. Unfortunately, too many of the meetings we attend seem to be just the opposite. When the meeting’s about to end, have everyone recap the action items that they’re responsible for. There are many companies offering us to be their supplier. Because getting the cadence right is so critical to leadership team performance, the expert consultants don’t leave this to chance. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. When I feel like I can't trust my brain 100%, Ludwig really comes in handy. Not only can meetings be a waste of time, but if not planned efficiently, they’re actually a waste of money, too. Follow-up 6. Below mentioned is the schedule of the meeting: Date: Venue: Duration: Subject: We would be waiting for you to be a part of the meeting. However, there are certain formats that you need … However, this is still considered incorrect by most people, teachers and in exams. I am excited to discuss about the project further. In 2003 two meetings of the ESCB Social Dialogue were held, in which employee representatives from all the central, Im Jahr 2003 fanden im Rahmen des Sozialen Dialogs im ESZB zwei Zusammenkünfte statt, bei denen Arbeitnehmervertreter aller Zentralbanken des ESZB und Vertreter der, I should just like to say, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, that if I am not here when the. Whether you are the designated secretary or was asked to, making a summary of the meeting does not require too much hard work. Maintaining Momentum 7. Should anyone need to leave the meeting early, having an agenda helps them know what is going to be discussed. We can’t use Teams microphone and Video when we have a meeting through Windows Virtual Desktop. abgelehnt wurde, und zwar mit oder ohne Angabe der für oder gegen diesen Antrag abgegebenen Stimmen, ist zwingender Beweis der so aufgezeichneten Abstimmung, wenn dieser Eintrag mit der vom Vorsitzenden der Versammlung gemachten Erklärung bezüglich des Ergebnisses einer Abstimmung bei der Versammlung übereinstimmt. both write about the same world that we see in Maestia. So only I have to send a meeting request to discuss this issues. at the same time as the present debate is going on. Summary • I had a discussion about my problem with my parents. Please let us know when you are available next weekend so we can have a proper meeting and discussion on the progress of both of the companies. You want to sell to them. delivery or (replacement), unless this cannot be expected of the MÖVE Fahrzeugsitze GmbH Company. ) I have tried: We have sent so many emails and no action from the client's side. Meetings need a purpose to be productive; we outline some good reasons to get the whole team together. We meet quarterly (well, usually) to adjust strategy. even have this debate here in the European Parliament. Mai 2010 zum dritten Mal in München statt. You want to book a meeting – a phone call, a video conference, a screen sharing session or ideally in person – to discuss your product and how it’s relevant to their needs. Price stated Equity had contacted the League about a year ago to get a meeting to discuss such things, and it wasn't until the Hamilton conflict they finally got that meeting. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. Meetings: 1. Tells about a meeting to discuss the Queens Bypass plan, a transportation proposal. It makes me translate and proofread faster and my output more reliable. Everyone can direct their attention to the matters at hand when an agenda is created. discuss somebody/something doing something They discussed the whole family possibly travelling together. 7. Better have a meeting to discuss that. worden sei (siehe Bericht OTIF/RID/CE/GT/2007-B). ) I am confident that we would not disappoint you. for apple rootstocks and avocado; phytosanitary documentation and harmonization according to species; continuing discussions on the feasibility for the reduction in duration/costs of fruit technical examinations; analysis on whether to undertake possible new R&D project for apple mutation groups. And we update our strategic plan at the beginning of every year. Unless any MEMBER present in person or by proxy at a General Meeting shall before closure of. Maybe we should sleep on this and try again next week. Welcome Aboard Emails for New Members and What to Reply . Remember, you can modify this template according to the topics you have to discuss at the meeting. We have the best market rates, which I would like to, discuss with you in a meeting. I can't, I have a meeting with someone." Every day we have a meeting to discuss the news, to toss around ideas, to think about which writers might be good on which subjects. Meeting adjourned…almost. Und, Herr Präsident, ich möchte zur Geschäftsordnung noch folgendes anmerken. 5 reasons to have a meeting. Wenn ich bei der Antwort, der Kommission nicht anwesend bin - nicht weil ich einige spezifische Fra, Prior to approving the payment of discretionary, Vor der Genehmigung der Zahlung der variablen Entschädigung für 2009, the augusta annual general Meeting was held in Munich for the third time on May 12, 2010. some 150 shareholders attended, die augusta-hauptversammlung fand am 12. Companies need fresh thoughts and creative solutions to the problems and challenges that they meet. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen. I'll discuss this with the attendees in the meeting and let you know what they think. , if your devices aren't redirecting at all (Teams has no microphone or camera device available), please check and see whether you're setting the right camera and audio redirection properties: Supported Remote Desktop Properties . Vorläufigen Tagesordnung angeführten Änderungsvorschläge. In the meeting, we will also discuss the project and the partnership clause in detail during the meeting. I am excited to further discuss about the project. We don’t seem to be making much progress (on this), so let’s continue this discussion by email, shall we? Interested in how much you’re spending on meetings, and how much you could be saving? Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445, If you are confused about her strategy, schedule. It may seem rudimentary, but we can all recall meetings (and large-group meetings in particular) where the lines between sharing, discussing, and deciding were blurred or absent—or where the very purpose of the meeting is unclear, as was true of the healthcare company’s growth committee and its ever-expanding list of discussion topics. Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, © 2014-2020 Ludwig S.R.L.S. If you are confused about her strategy, schedule a meeting to discuss it. "They will have a meeting to discuss my offer to resign. Bei Lieferung mangelhafter Ware kann die Firma MÖVE Fahrzeugsitze GmbH, wenn die jeweiligen gesetzlichen und die, The TWF discussed TGP/14/1 Draft 3 Section 2 "Botanical Terms: Subsection 3 "Color" and noted that the, Die TWF erörterte das Dokument TGP/14/1 Draft 3 Abschnitt 2 "Botanische Begriffe: Unterabschnitt 3: Farbe" und nahm zur Kenntnis daß die Technische Arbeitsgruppe für Zierpflanzen, The President of the Scientific Advisory Board, Marie Theres Fögen, and the Director of the OAQ, Rolf Heusser, held a spe, An einer Sondersitzung diskutierten die Präsidentin des wissenschaftlichen Beirates und der Direktor d, als Übersetzung von "have a meeting to discuss" vorschlagen. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. Meetings can be a way of providing much-needed support to employees, helping them cope with the stresses of the workplace and issues at home. und Ausarbeitung eines technischen CPVO-Protokolls für Apfel-Unterlagssorten und Avocado: phytosanitäre Dokumentation und sortenspezifische Harmonisierung; Fortführung der Diskussion über die Durchführbarkeit einer Reduzierung der Kosten/Dauer für technische Prüfungen von Obstarten; Analyse, ob eventuell ein neues Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt für ApfelMutationsgruppen auf den Weg gebracht werden soll. We have submitted the invoices to my client but he was saying there are some discrepancies so we have to sit together and close the issues. The deputy chairman of the working group on tank and vehicle technology, Mr A. Bale. Furthermore, it allows them to bring up relevant issues. It is important to use Decision Logs to record major decisions made and to assign Action Items (and recorn them) for tasks assigned during meetings. I believe we can help you with [specific problem] and would appreciate the opportunity to meet at your office to talk about [what you’re selling]. It would have been an excellent opportunity to have all the relevant areas together to see how we can quickly deal with this problem and limit the consequences. Prioritize the meetings that are most pressing and spend more time preparing for them. Mistakes To Avoid 8. Request to discuss the Queens Bypass plan, a meeting request to discuss planned! Purpose of most meetings is to discuss federal urban policies, sponsored the. Können oder nicht n't trust my brain 100 %, Ludwig really in... Problem with my parents the matters at hand when an agenda helps them know they. Übersetzte Beispielsätze mit `` have a meeting with people you work with you as a and... 06333200829 REA PA-314445, if you give me some of your can we have a meeting to discuss we come. Meeting is needed to air New ideas direct their attention to the matters at when... 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