Diaper rash can result from an allergy or irritated skin. Does scaly skin have you itchy and uncomfortable? An actinic keratosis (ak-TIN-ik ker-uh-TOE-sis) is a rough, scaly patch on your skin that develops from years of exposure to the sun. Rashes can also develop on the scalp and cheeks. Treatment of actinic keratosis. Accessed Nov. 16, 2018. Also, irritants will enter more easily making even sensitive skin products cause a stinging, irritating sensation. 2016;315:1394. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. The main sign is a single round, rose- or tan-colored spot (called a herald patch) in the middle of your body, arms, or legs. Regular moisturizer is … Pictures and symptoms of the red, scaly rash. 4. Rarely, dry, itchy skin may be a sign of diabetes , kidney disease , or liver disease. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic. Middle-aged adults are most likely to get it. Dryness on face especially on forehead is a common problem that most people will experience at some point in time. Flaky skin on the face is commonly caused by dry air, harsh skin care products and UV damage. Moisturize. A genetic problem causes skin cells to build up, creating thick, dry areas that look like fish scales. With time the spots or patches may become hard with a wartlike surface. Skip the drying soap. It's most commonly found on your face, lips, ears, back of your hands, forearms, scalp or neck.Also known as a solar keratosis, an actinic keratosis enlarges slowly and usually causes no signs or symptoms other than a patch or small spot on your skin. Ichthyosis vulgaris (fish scale disease) is common and may be mild. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Oct. 21, 2016. They may be red, light or dark tan, white, pink, flesh-toned or a combination of colors and are sometimes raised. If this layer is damaged and moisture gets out, or if your skin cell renewal process goes off the rails, you could get flaky or scaly. Applying a high-quality moisturizer to your face every day is the most effective way to combat flaky skin. Use sunscreen on all exposed skin, and use lip balm with sunscreen on your lips. Even when we aren't dealing with harsh winter weather, a number of factors can contribute to dry skin, but we still want to make our makeup look as flawless as possible. Unfortunately, in colder months, dry, flaky skin can become an unwelcome mainstay. Particularly when used after bathing or washing your face, moisturizers help seal water into the skin's outer layer, the stratum corneum, reducing both itching and flaking. Ichthyosis vulgaris: It sounds like your cousin has a chronic skin disease … Keep bath and shower time to 10 minutes or less. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. After you wash, pat your skin dry with a soft cloth. Several scaly, raised spots that may look like a rash or acne breakout Wolff K, et al. Make an appointment to see a dermatologist. © 1998-2021 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). But if over-the-counter products don’t help you heal, you could have a medical condition that requires a doctor's care. Rough, dry or scaly patch of skin, usually less than 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in diameter, Flat to slightly raised patch or bump on the top layer of skin, Have a history of frequent or intense sun exposure or sunburn, Have red or blond hair, and blue or light-colored eyes, Tend to freckle or burn when exposed to sunlight, Have a personal history of an actinic keratosis or skin cancer, Have a weak immune system as a result of chemotherapy, leukemia, AIDS or organ transplant medications. American Academy of Dermatology. The size of actinic keratosis can range from a few millimetres to a few centimetres across. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Eczema is an autoimmune condition marked by red or brown scaly patches, as well as peeling that can occur on your face. Know the trigger This common condition is often mistaken for dry, sensitive skin. Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2017. Lebwohl M. Actinic keratosis. These patches take years to develop, usually first appearing in people over 40. The skin may burn or bleed. Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before sun exposure and reapply it every two hours — or more often if you're swimming or perspiring. To make an egg yolk face mask for the flaky skin on face, you need to combine egg yolk (1 teaspoon), 1 teaspoon of milk powder and oatmeal (1 teaspoon). All rights reserved. The lifelong condition usually appears in childhood. After you wash your face, apply a strong moisturizer to your skin that has ingredients like shea butter, glycerin, and ceramides. It can be difficult to distinguish between noncancerous spots and cancerous ones. Rough, scaly bumps that may looks like pimples The arrows on this woman’s face point to actinic keratoses. Eczema is an autoimmune skin disorder that can lead to dry or scaly patches on the face. Occasionally, eczema can also manifest itself on the skin by showing small red bumps … Dry, rough, and scaly skin can be caused by psoriasis, eczema, athlete's foot, or other skin conditions. These dry patches can be uncomfortable — and sometimes unsightly. This content does not have an Arabic version. The bar soap you use on the rest of your body can be too drying for your face. 8th ed. There are several different types of psoriasis. Already, I covered a detailed article on dryness around your eyes and best ways to remove dry skin on feet.. It may be painful to touch. There are several forms. You may notice a rash on your eyelids, nose, cheeks, elbows, knees, knuckles, upper chest, or back. … Aging, exposure to sunlight and harsh chemicals, some medicines, and certain diseases could also be to blame. Babies and children usually get crusty spots on their chins and cheeks, but scaly skin can show up anywhere on the body. Infections, stress, obesity, and smoking can increase your risk for psoriasis. Degradation in the exfoliation will end up in a dry itchy skin on face. Take these steps to protect your skin from the sun: Use sunscreen. If you suspect that you or someone you know have the symptoms of eczema, seek help from a dermatologist right away for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes the area feels rough or like sandpaper but looks normal. AKs often appear as small dry, scaly or crusty patches of skin. Muscle pain isn’t a main symptom, although some people do report muscle aches. While a good moisturizer can help address flaky skin, a combination of prevention and treatment is the best approach. When the weather turns cold, it’s not uncommon to experience dry, flaky skin on your face and neck. This skin disorder is the most common cause of dandruff. When it shows up on your face, though, you may feel like going into hiding. They often itch and might blister. We list localised and generalised scaly skin disorders by their duration and body site. A flaky, scaly patch that comes and goes could be actinic keratosis (AK), a precancerous condition. The bumps may also show up on your wrists, lower back, and genitals. There are several reasons for scaly skin. Turn the dial to warm, not hot. Women are most likely get it. Daily use of sunscreen reduces the development of actinic keratoses. American Skin Association: “Dry Skin.”, American Academy of Dermatology: “Actinic Keratosis: Signs And Symptoms,” “Actinic Keratosis: Overview,” “Actinic Keratosis: Who Gets and Causes,” “Dry, scaly, and painful hands could be hand eczema,” “How Skin Grows,” “Ichthyosis Vulgaris: Overview,” “Lichen Planus: Overview,” “Lichen Planus: Signs And Symptoms.”, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics: “Winter Dry Skin.”, National Eczema Association: “Understanding your eczema.”, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: “Ichthyosis Overview,” “What Is Atopic Dermatitis?”, Mayo Clinic: “Dandruff: Symptoms and Causes,” “Psoriasis: Causes,” “Psoriasis: Definition,” “Psoriasis: Symptoms.”, UpToDate: “Patient education: Diaper rash in infants and children (Beyond the Basics).”, Merck Manual Professional Version: “Pityriasis Rosea.”, The Myositis Association: “Dermatomyositis.”. It shows up around the folds of the thighs and genitals -- places covered by a diaper. female cousin born with scaly skin except face. A mild peeling skin on the face only causes whitish flakes and peeled skin on certain areas of the face, such as around the lips and mouth, on the nose, on the forehead, and on both cheeks. The disorder can also affect the skin to develop rough surface with itchy spots. 8th ed. Signs include a reddish irritated skin rash. At-home care may be fine for irritation rashes, but if your baby’s diaper rash won’t go away, see a doctor to figure out the cause and best treatment. They think it’s a mix of genetics and things in your environment that your skin reacts to, like: Silvery white scales that cover thick red, raised patches of skin are a telltale sign of plaque psoriasis. One of the primary treatments for dry, scaly skin is to use a moisturizer on the affected areas two to four times per day. An actinic keratosis is caused by frequent or intense exposure to UV rays from the sun or tanning beds. Taking cold showers and getting on a balanced skin care regimen can prevent flaky skin on the face. A reddish-purple, scaly rash followed by muscle weakness are the main symptoms of this inflammatory disorder. Jorizzo J. The round spots have raised borders. A small percentage of actinic keratosis lesions can eventually become skin cancer. In: Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine. Accessed Nov. 29, 2018. Dry skin on face, also called Xerosis, can be very irritating. New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Education; 2017. https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com. Scaly skin is most common with plaque psoriasis. Dry patches on face can be really irritating. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Without treatment, it can turn into squamous cell skin cancer. Goldsmith LA, et al., eds. Sunscreen FAQs. Skin allergies, which can be triggered by dyes, perfumes, and other chemicals in our skin products or even laundry detergent—and can appear as red, scaly, or itchy skin. Nobody would wish to wake up with dry flaky skin on the face on any other part of the body for that matter. It may be an autoimmune disorder. You don't feel the skin cells growing and shouldn't see any falling, or flaking, off. If the condition … You may even find flakes in your eyebrows. And moisturize correctly. Before spending time outdoors, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. In: Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology. If you or your child has red, scaly patches that itch a lot, it might be eczema. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Sebhorreic Dermatitis. The main symptom is a thick, scaly, discolored patch of skin. Eczema, an autoimmune condition that some researchers believe is related to hay fever and asthma, often appears as dry, flaky patches around the elbows, knees, ankles and wrists -- but it can also appear on the face, especially around the eyes and on the eyelids. what is it and can u help? Size. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 2. seen many doc's and used many cremes.now 18 and still problem. Some soaps strip away the natural oils that keep your facial skin moist and smooth. https://www.aad.org/media/stats/prevention-and-care/sunscreen-faqs. The symptom of dry skin depends upon your age, health conditions, living environment, a number of hours spent outside and the cause of the problem. Some common causes of skin dryness will include sunburn caused by harmful UV rays from the sun, winters or windy weathers. However, the problem spot typically comes back when you’re exposed to sunlight. If you or your child has red, scaly patches that itch a lot, it might be eczema. It’s easy to mistake for ringworm. JAMA. This skin condition often begins with a tendency to flush or blush easily. Children often outgrow eczema. Because of their rough texture, actinic keratoses are often easier to feel than see. Dry, flaky skin is the biggest enemy to smooth, successful makeup application. Prevention of actinic keratoses is important because the condition can precede cancer or be an early form of skin cancer. An actinic keratosis (ak-TIN-ik ker-uh-TOE-sis) is a rough, scaly patch on your skin that develops from years of exposure to the sun. Padilla RS. The condition may also cause your nails to pit, crumble, or fall off. It could also be a yeast infection -- yeast thrives in warm, moist environments. Women or girls ages 10 to 35 are more likely to get this skin condition. New York, N.Y.: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2012. https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com. Irritation, inflammation and itching increase the rate of skin cell turnover, leading to scale formation. Oil For Moisturize Your Dry Skin. Anyone can develop actinic keratoses. Rough, scaly, sandpaper-like skin is bad enough on the elbows, knees, hands and feet. Texture. Muscle weakness typically affects areas close to the middle of your body, like your hip, back, neck, and shoulders. You could get this scaly skin problem if you spend too much time in a tanning bed or unprotected in the sun. Epithelial precancerous lesions. After that, apply this home remedy to the flaky skin on face. Actinic keratosis. Skin diseases that have excessive scale or flaking (papulosquamous disorders) are due to epidermal inflammation or proliferation. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. But adults who never had it can get it, too. Doctors think a viral infection (like herpesvirus 6, 7, or 8) causes this scaly rash. Gibson LE (expert opinion). Getting rid of dry peeling skin on face. Psoriasis is a chronic … This content does not have an English version. Scaly skin is a common symptom of dry skin and can occur anywhere on the body, although it is most common on the lower legs, arms and thighs. Doctors think it results from a faulty immune system. Photosensitivity, photo-induced disorders and disorders by ionizing radiation. Doctors don’t know what causes it. Try these tips to keep skin from getting excessively dry: 1. This common condition is often mistaken for dry, sensitive skin. It causes swelling in the blood vessels that feed your muscles and skin. But you may be more likely to develop the condition if you: If treated early, almost all actinic keratoses can be cleared up or removed before they develop into skin cancer. Also known as a solar keratosis, an actinic keratosis enlarges slowly and usually causes no signs or symptoms other than a patch or small spot on your skin. Here are the many causes of scaly skin and how to treat it. If you have seborrheic dermatitis, your scalp and nearby skin will feel greasy and be dotted with yellow or white crusty scales. More severe effects, however, may cause facial skin to be tight, that it is hard to move the face. It can show up on your knees, scalp, elbows, palms, lower back and the soles of your feet. There may be little or no scaly skin symptoms in children or pregnant women. Accessed Sept. 26, 2016. To get rid of dry scaly patches of skin on face, you need to start by washing your face with warm water using a mild cleanser that doesn’t have fragrances or soap in it. New skin cells grow faster than normal, but old skin cells fail to fall off. It can occur at any age. A cluster of scaly patches follows about a week or two later. Epidemiology, natural history and diagnosis of actinic keratosis. Doctors aren’t sure what causes lichen planus. The loss of oil glands (which help to keep the skin soft) is the main cause of dry skin. The signs and symptoms of an actinic keratosis include: Actinic keratoses are found primarily on areas exposed to the sun, such as your face, lips, ears, hands, forearms, scalp and neck. benign (noncancerous) skin growths that develop from skin cells called keratinocytes Actinic keratosis. Make a donation. The truth is that anybody could develop dry, flaky skin on face, on the scalp and other parts of the body. Moisturizers can help soothe some types of scaly skin, but not all. The dry red flaky skin on face, hands, and legs occur due to the failure of the sebaceous glands to produce natural oil thus leading to invisible cracks that allow moisture to escape causing it to be dry, and flaky. 3. This common condition begins as shiny, reddish-purple bumps. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. This common condition is usually seen in infants ages 9 to 12 months. Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. Accessed Nov. 29, 2018. If left untreated, some of these spots may progress to squamous cell carcinoma — a type of cancer that usually isn't life-threatening if detected and treated early. Red, irritated, or scaly skin on your baby’s bottom is likely due to diaper dermatitis -- better known as diaper rash. Accessed Nov. 29, 2018. Moisturizer seals skin to keep water from escaping. Wash your face twice daily with cool or warm water — hot water strips away the skin's natural oils. To help heal dehydrated skin quickly, apply a layer of face moisturizer on … Ask your doctor about treatments for your specific condition. Moisturize daily. It’s often seen in people who have hepatitis C. If you get it, ask your doctor about screening for hepatitis. If the previous methods don't seem to help your dry flaky skin, pay your dermatologist a visit. © 2005 - 2021 WebMD LLC. Lichen planus can also affect the inside of your mouth and your nails. Many scaly, raised spots on the skin that may look like a rash or acne breakout. Dr. Oscar Novick answered. Symptoms of Dry Flaky Skin on Face. sun's heat dries out areas of unprotected skin and depletes the skin's supply of natural lubricating oils If this happens, it’s called acquired ichthyosis. It can go undiagnosed if you keep your skin well-moisturized. You can reduce your risk of actinic keratoses by minimizing your sun exposure and protecting your skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays. It can feel rough or scaly – like sandpaper – and can be flat or stick out from the skin. What causes them, and what you can do about them. Vaccine updates, safe care and visitor guidelines, and trusted coronavirus information, Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition, Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter — Digital Edition, FREE book offer – Mayo Clinic Health Letter. It may just be ordinary dry skin. If you get one actinic keratosis, you usually will get another. Genetics , which can be responsible for dictating our pH, natural moisture levels, and our sensitivity to environmental changes. Normally, your body sheds about 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells each day and replaces them with new ones. Actinic keratoses are scaly spots or patches on the top layer of skin. AskMayoExpert. White, oily flakes of dead skin in your hair and on your shoulders and, sometimes, an itchy scalp are signs of regular dandruff. The skin becomes scaly and if not treated right away, the condition becomes worse. https://www.aad.org/dermatology-a-to-z/diseases-and-treatments/a---d/actinic-keratosis. This type of dandruff can also affect the skin behind your ears and on the sides of your nose. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Try cleansing creams, gentle skin cleansers and shower gels with added moisturizers. Those pesky dandruff flakes might signify that more than just your scalp is in … 57 years experience Pediatrics. Accessed Nov. 16, 2018. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. It isn't contagious. The dry peeling skin on the face is a temporary problem. It can flake off, and your skin may feel normal again. Try to bathe no more than once a day. Egg yolk also contains protein, vitamin A, B-vitamins, zinc which will nourish, lubricate and hydrate your skin. So it's best to have new skin changes evaluated by a doctor — especially if a spot or lesion persists, grows or bleeds. Causes of Flaky Skin on the Face It's most commonly found on your face, lips, ears, back of your hands, forearms, scalp or neck. If you have dry, scaly skin that doesn't go away, jot down any other symptoms you have and when they happen. Certain medicines or diseases, including kidney failure, some cancers, and HIV, can trigger it. Localised scaly rash present for < 6 weeks Cover as much skin as possible in cold or windy weather. The outer layer of your skin contains a mixture of dead skin cells and natural oils, which help it hold on to water. All rights reserved. Hand eczema can cause the skin on your palms and fingers to get dry, thick, and cracked. Psoriasis can be passed down through families. This group of scaly skin diseases is most often passed down through families. Not only does the redness make you look perpetually embarrassed, but the pain, itchiness and … American Academy of Dermatology. As more grow, they create thick clumps of rough, scaly skin, usually on your ankles and shins. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, Scaly patches that feel rough or leathery. The new and old cells clump together, causing thick, itchy patches, sores, and scales. Other symptoms may include fatigue and headache. Moisturizers, ointments, and creams improve the skin’s natural barrier function, … You could have a condition such as eczema or psoriasis that requires an individualized treatment plan and, possibly, prescription medication. Sun safety is necessary to help prevent development and recurrence of actinic keratosis patches and spots. Limit water exposure. Whether you have a flaky scalp from time to time or scratchy patches all the time, a dermatologist can tell you if your symptoms are due to a lack of moisture or something more serious. Rosacea. Than normal, but scaly skin, but scaly skin diseases is most often passed down through.. Most effective way to combat flaky skin can show up on your wrists, lower back, and genitals personal... Care regimen can prevent flaky skin on your knees, hands and feet bar you. You could have a medical condition that requires an individualized treatment plan and, possibly, prescription.!: Fitzpatrick 's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology areas close the... A detailed article on dryness around your eyes and best ways to remove dry skin it hard. Get another may notice a rash on your eyelids, nose, cheeks, scaly., you usually will get another rash on your baby’s bottom is likely due to diaper dermatitis -- known! 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