If your plant’s leaves appear to be drooping and/or crisping before dropping, that indicates a moisture-related issue. It can be hard to tell if such a large plant is thirsty or not, so when you think it needs a drink, insert a dowel into the soil deep enough to reach the bottom of the pot (above left). It’s located near the central heater/radiator. Remember it’s normal as a Fiddle Leaf Fig matures that some of the lower leaves begin to drop off naturally. Hey Nadia, this post on encouraging growth should have some tips for you and answer a few of your questions! Ask a Question forum: Fiddle leaf fig buds turned brown & not emerging - help! Although the plant hadn’t moved, it started to get some brown leaves (from the bottom) and a few fell off in rapid succession. Ask The Fiddle Leaf Fig Doctor New leaves/buds falling off. If you’ve identified root rot, prepare a well-draining soil mix for repotting. I believe Thrips are what is causing the problem. I made the newbie mistake of overwatering it and realized I had to replant it due to root rot. And my 3rd one got mealy bugs which I sprayed with a mild dish soap solution (I read that was ok?). Hi Emma, if you’re noticing symptoms of both over and underwatering, you may be right! Ficus lyrata, commonly known as the fiddle-leaf fig, is a species of flowering plant in the mulberry and fig family Moraceae.It is native to western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone, where it grows in lowland tropical rainforest.It can grow up to 12–15 m (39–49 ft) tall. It’s not a very big one, more medium sized. I will keep an eye out for any new spots. As long as the soil you chose is well draining and you’re only watering when the top 1-2 inches of soil feels dry, the issue should stop. When transplanting, I noticed it was pretty severely root bound, and the soil wasn't drying evenly. Look for one with a ratio as close to 9-3-6 as you can, there’s one at Bunnings called Nitrosol which isn’t too bad. I haven’t been able to identify them. I also have the rust brown pinprick edema you describe above on some of the upper most leaves. Since I’m pretty sure I’ve never overwatered it, I thought I would move it away from the heaters to a) help with dryness and b) give it more access to sunlight a couple of weeks ago since the days are much shorter. I’m really doing my best to save it at this point. Or I am just “helicopter” parenting my flf. Yellowing on a Fiddle Leaf can commonly start on the lowest, or most mature leaves first. Hi Chloe, if the plant is new and has experienced past damage, then the spots unfortunately won’t go away. The following few days after watering it, 3 leaves fell off (this was 2 weeks ago). I got it at a giant tiger, so I’m not sure how well it was cared for there lol. The leaves have stopped falling as fast, but now I am seeing more spots on more of the leaves. Dryness can occur from low humidity or if the plant is the draught of a heater or air conditioner. Once you begin to identify the different types, you’ll easily be able to assess your FLF and bring it back to full health. The best thing to do is to make sure the damage doesn’t continue by having your FLF out of direct sun and keeping up a good watering and fertilizing routine to keep it healthy! Again, more light means more growth and that means you will probably have to water more than you were used to. This means the spot may appear in the middle of a leaf, near the edge or towards the stem. I really love the fiddle leaf fig! It was a meter tall with large, lush green leaves. They range from an almost bleached look to yellow or light brown. Hopefully it won’t take long before it can stand on its own. Since bringing it home, I’ve had 6 new leaves?! Remove any leaves that appear to have signs of it and try repotting your fiddle leaf fig. Please let me know if what I’m doing sounds good. Without seeing it or knowing the conditions it was in, its always going to be a little tricky to tell what the problem was. Temporal Bone Course in Prague. I showered it (so it can clean the leaves as well and let it drain out the bottom) but during the shower, another 5 leaves fell off. If you see any blackness or mushy parts and especially if you note a nasty smell, your tree might be in trouble. Make sure when you water that all the soil gets saturated and the excess drains, so that all the roots can get a drink. Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Caused by Root Rot. Terracotta planters are porous and breathe out moisture through their walls, which can be an advantage but might lead to your fiddle leaf fig drying out quickly if it’s in a very sunny spot (which it ideally should be!). However as mentioned it sounds like more of an under watering problem. If this is the case, it’s likely that your plant is healthy! I would keep an eye on them and see if they spread or if not then they could just be past damage. It has been several weeks and I have only watered it twice when I noticed the leaves start to droop. When a stem, branch or trunk gets pruned back, it is most likely to grow multiple stems in its place.So here’s three methods you can use to encourage your Fiddle Leaf Fig to branch – watch the video at the end of me pruning my own Fiddle Leaf Fig … This is where new leaves grow and it’s totally normal. I recently (Jul 30th) purchased a FLF which is 2′ from the top of the pot. I’ve had it last winter too and it did great. Think of them like a scar. In the comments section below, tell us your tips for keeping it alive. hey Elauni! Eek! As mentioned before, you can accidentally underwater if your plant is in a lighter location than usual (either due to it having been moved or summer starting). There isn’t always too much you can do about bacterial infections. Also, when growing inside it was leaning toward one side. If you just bought or moved yours and it’s shedding, give it a few weeks before you start freaking out. Tip: In addition to from bad drainage and too much water, low light conditions also increase the chances of rot, fungal problems and bacterial infections taking hold. What’s wrong? There’s not much you can do about sunburn once it has happened. The fiddle leaf fig is a species of fig tree that is native to the rainforests of West and Central Africa. I. Hi Emily, Hey Jen, from the sounds of the leaves yellowing and dropping from the bottom and brown spots starting from the middle of the leaf, it sounds like an overwatering issue. Can I remove these damaged leaves (or even just the brown sections of them) to make my FLF look nice and green and full of life again? I treated him like a baby, but then suddenly he started getting very very sick. Help I bought my first fiddle fig a couple days ago and all of a sudden one leaf started to turn brown from the middle of the leaf. Remember it’s normal that as your plant matures, some lower leaves will eventually yellow and fall off. I’m a bit concerned I’m fussing over it too much now after it had been fine for a long time, but afraid of it losing too many leaves to survive. I am wondering if it’s because of the fertilizer and perhaps reminiscence of it in the soil? Like, a The fading got worse, and now the leaves are almost all turning brown and patchy. I had purchased a newly 7 ft FLF that was purchased about 1.5 weeks ago. I see that was the name of the commenter below. Some of them are just falling off when I touch it – and are still green at the stem but some stems are browning up. Was left in its usual spot inside. I’m so happy to have found your blog! If that doesn’t help you can look into some houseplant insecticide, though it usually doesn’t get to the point where you’ll need that. It has been so low maintenance for years and suddenly its so sick and I dont know how to help it recover. I’ve recently noticed that few very dark spots have started developing on three leaves. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When I repotted, the root was just a giant hard ball. Today, I noticed another leaf starting to discolor. What do you think this could be? Hey Jackie, I would allow your plant some time to adjust to its new location. If new leaves are getting holes, this can happen while they’re developing if the air is dry. Toggle navigation. Fiddle leaf fig bud development.. Fiddle leaf figs can make any home seem more welcoming. Leaves continue to turn yellow and fall near the bottom. hi emily, the brown spots are likely caused by too much watering. I have had it for maybe a month, and I’ve noticed some brown spots of the leaves, on the bottom and are mostly along the edges and some spots in the middle. I can’t find pictures online of what this looks like. Hi Megan, it is hard for me to tell what the cause of the browning could be without knowing its care and environment, which is where the above info should help! I’m sure having it outside will help strengthen it, even though it is leaning. Will the trunk get stronger if it leans against the fence? Including: Showing off the progression of your fiddle leaf fig! Or if you have a specific question, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you. You can also combine it with some pine bark mulch for extra drainage and horticultural charcoal if you like, which helps keep them healthy. To be honest, I’d just go for a commercial fungicide. My dad has had his FLF for around two or so years, it was growing to be really big and had lots of leaves. There are a few reasons why brown spots might be appearing on the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig. See more tips in Finally, get more ideas on how to successfully plant, grow, and care for a creeping fig with our … Is it possible you’re underwatering? FLFs that are put in direct light actually need time to acclimatise to the sunlight, otherwise they can burn. And do you think I need to prune the leaves that are brown or with more water will they come back to life? Edema in Fiddle Leaf Figs is quite common and not too much of a problem. Making sure you’re watering until the excess drains is best and creating a more humid environment will also help with dryness – here’s a post of humidity if you need help. Could I email you a picture of the flf leaves? All the best! I have neglected my fiddle-leaf fig tree for months. If your plant is a medium-large size and has a mature, brown and woody stem, it’s normal that a leaf may drop every now and then. Its best to either not plant them in ground, or make sure they are well away from any structures or underground pipes as they can interfere and cause damage. About 3 weeks ago I received a mature, 5′ tall fig tree. , Will keep you updated as it goes. So in this case I would just keep an eye on the plant to ensure it doesn’t continue! We all want fiddle leaf fig plants that are healthy, green, and gorgeous. I noticed this later that afternoon, brought it under a patio covering with nice indirect light, and now weeks later it seems to be happy and thriving again. Hi Emily, I think it may need more sunlight because it it growing toward one side but I am hesitant to put it in the sun because I don’t want the leaves to be scorched. I’m not sure to repot it since I know the figs are finicky and needs time to adjust. Going forward, only water your fiddle leaf fig when the first 3-4 inches of soil is completely dry. Sounds like it could be a type of pest, possibly scale! Hi Nabeel, generally they don’t do well with temps around freezing as they are tropical plants. Our fiddle leaf fig sprouting lots of new buds. In the last month or so most of the new leaves on my plant grow in tough and waxy. This is a serious issue that should be dealt with as soon as possible. Those bottom leaves just aren’t useful anymore, so the nutrients inside them are reabsorbed and the leaf crisps up, eventually dropping. How to keep a fiddle leaf fig alive? Curling on your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves is common and usually not too worrisome, especially if the plant bounces back after a few days. What I’m trying to say here is: Do not panic! Read my post on It’s best to do any pruning, notching or pinching in the growing season, aka Spring and Summer. This is a lot of information to say that it feels like the only major change from last winter was that my watering schedule had changed for a time. Not surprising, since these indoor trees add a beautiful green touch to any interior! Remember that FLFs need to be fully saturated when watering, to ensure the whole rootball gets a drink. In the area where o have it, the large branch that leans toward the side is resting against my chain link fence. Also unfortunate is that they can have different causes, so you’ll have to really evaluate the situation to pinpoint what’s going on here. Edema is caused by either inconsistent watering or overwatering, and happens when the leaf cells take up too much water and burst. I’m wondering if it could be the plant adjusting to the new environment? I noticed when purchase that the root had wrapped around the top of the plastic pot and the top is extremely dry and hard. Brown spots from sunburn will end up crispy and may have a yellow ring around the edge of the brown. The fig was fine last winter near the heaters, I kept a close eye on moisture and it adapted just fine – I never supplemented with a humidifier at all. An ideal humidity level is above 60%, however they can adjust to lower levels of humidity. Also make sure it is in a bright location, in front of a window is best. Join our Fiddle Leaf Fig Community to ask questions and register for our free webinar to learn more about Fiddle Leaf Fig Care. Hey Julia, its hard to say from your info what the cause could be, especially if its new (factors from their old environment might still be affecting it)! kaylenew Nov 10, 2018 9:59 PM CST. Sunburnt leaves are not too difficult to diagnose, although they can present differently depending how badly the burn was and how long it’s been since it happened. You’ll have to address the root cause or it’ll just come back. The resurrection of my dead fiddle leaf fig. How often to water a fiddle leaf fig? Any suggestions or reassurances welcome! Mild oedema in your fiddle leaf fig is not really much to worry about. At this time, it is getting indirect bright sunlight. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on them to make sure they aren’t getting worse. Thank you! Yellow leaves are often the first sign of too much water (remember: this means watering too frequently, and doesn’t refer to the amount of water they receive). Check back every week or so to see if the infestation has returned or not. Spots from the middle of the leaf are generally due to overwatering however it sounds like your watering is ok. I apologized profusely. Hey Teresa, if your plant is new it is likely there are some adjustments going on as it gets used to its new environment. but it was fine last winter even after coming home from the nursery. I can’t figure out if there is bacterial infection or something else. The underside may veins are all brown. Hi! Ask a Question forum: Fiddle leaf fig's new leaf buds brown. It still looks like the brown crunchy spots that read as underwatering. Top 7 Fiddle Leaf Fig … Plant your FLF in the new mix, and water, making sure it drains properly. I want to keep the bush like shape big many are falling off. Tip: Some drooping immediately after repotting your fiddle leaf fig is normal. Additionally, you should keep in mind that houseplants almost always naturally shed their lower leaves to reveal a bare stem. Also the top soil dry out right away in a day or 2. They survive by sucking the juices from your plant and bad infestations can be very problematic. I would guess it is most likely edema, which isn’t a disease as such that would spread. I’ve blocked the kitten from getting to it and was keeping to the watering schedule it always had but it continued to be stressed (brown spots, yellowing and dropping leaves) So I changed the soil, inspected the roots and replanted in the same pot, watered and let it drain out. Hi there, Update: We just got our own fiddle leaf fig tree (couldn’t resist). I went fiddle leaf fig crazy when I found fairly big ones for $25 each! If you suspect underwatering, check the plant more often: if you stick a finger in the soil, you should feel some slight humidity, though never wetness. This means they also use up more water and can go dry startlingly quickly! I’ve moved it outside to give it some sun. What do you think is the cause of this?? I have photos if that would help. Overwatering brown spots are very dark – almost black – and murky looking. I had a scale infestation, which I removed gently from each leaf by hand and then treated with an ecopesticide (one for scale, the active was paraffin oil). Thanks so much for any help you can give me! Make sure to run it nearby (but not touching) your plant. Not sure what I’m doing wrong… any advice? Dark brown spots will appear on the edges of the leaves and in the middle and will spread. Required fields are marked *. Fast forward to this past weekend, I noticed another 3 leaves starting to yellow on the bottom of the tree. You should be using a nice loose medium rather than pure potting soil. Dwarf forms are now available, such as F. lyrata “Bambino”. The stops occur not just on the edges but also in the middle of the leaf. 2. All the best. I would try fertilizing it and making sure it has enough light to stay healthy. You can remove the damaged leaves, since they unfortunately won’t recover. Thanks in advance! With root rot, the leaves will typically remain dark green with brown spots, but with bacterial leaf spot, the leaf will turn yellow as the brown spot spreads. You might be seeing your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves slowly turning brown and crispy, starting from the edges and progressing until the leaf just falls off. It might need some fertilizer, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve last repotted. Rotting roots will appear wet, brown, and mushy. Do you have any suggestions? Cheers. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Under watering brown spots are crispy, light brown and will generally start at the leaf’s outer edges and work their way in, depending on whether the situation has been fixed or not. Views: 630, Replies: 9 » Jump to the end. (I know, watering can be so confusing! Removing the afflicted roots, repotting into well-draining soil and ensuring you’re not overwatering are crucial here. The fiddle leaf fig has almost single-handedly changed the way we think about indoor plants with it’s sculptural, lush leaves and glossy glow. It looks full and somewhat healthy (small brown spots on certain leaves middle). That should help confirm if they are a pest or more of a fungus. Check the soil’s moisture through the drainage holes at the bottom. FLFs love sunlight but need to be acclimatized slowly to direct light. First off, is the plant getting enough light and air circulation? How to propagate string of hearts | Ceropegia... Brown tips on spider plant: Causes & solutions. Should I remove the leaves, repot, or ? The design provides your plant … Lastly, we’re back to bacterial infection, which was also discussed in the section on brown leaves. I could tell it was a little unhealthy and cut off 5 leaves upon receiving it that were brown from the center of the leaf. But what do you do if your fiddle leaf fig is not looking too happy? I am a new FLF owner! What tips would you give to prepare me and my fiddle for a cold, cold, low-light northeast winter that we’re anticipating. Would underwatering cause small brown spots to appear on the leaf which then turn into holes? Good luck! Whoops, sorry Emily for calling you Kate! The fiddle leaf fig is a gorgeous plant that is known for its foliage and looks incredibly pretty. New FLF mama. If you see curling or wonkiness on a single new leaf, the plant’s roots may have been disturbed somehow, like due to repotting. Fresh soil usually contains nutrients but once those are all used up, a. Please help!! You could also keep a thermometer nearby to make sure the temps aren’t getting too low. We’ve had it for about a month now but 3 leaves have dropped. When plants have less light, they create less energy and therefore need less water which is why the issues are connected. Hi Emily, But, you need to make sure that you properly care for the plant. If they’re just dropping after having started to droop or are falling off while they still look completely healthy, stay here. Use cutters to remove any roots that are affected by the rot. If your fiddle leaf fig is in a nice, bright spot and your watering schedule seems spot on, consider how long it’s been since you last gave the plant some food. If the yellowing continues, try watering the plant a little less frequently and see how you go . Overwatering can … I’m wondering if is the cold? Climate: prefers a warm-temperate or tropical growing environment outdoors, but will grow in indoor environments. If the remnant brown spots on leaves bothers you, you can try cutting off just the brown sections. I wanted to reach out regarding my 8 ft FLF. However if the leaves are crispy and the browning is mostly on the edges of the leaves, I would say it is most likely dry. I am now thinking I left it too dry because it looked like it was getting droopy. […] If you’re seeing issues like leaf drop, discoloration or bugs, head over to the article on problems with fiddle leaf fig to diagnose the problem and find out how you should treat […], […] trees but are intimidated by the somewhat more challenging care requirements of rubber trees and fiddle leaf figs, why not consider Dracaena marginata instead? Here’s a guide on repotting that can help. Unfortunately most of the leaves have it. The fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is one of the most popular houseplants out there right now. A post shared by Emily Connett (@dossierblog) on Oct 29, 2019 at 2:48pm PDT. To prune your fiddle leaf fig, just take some sharp pruning shears and cut off leaves that have started to brown significantly. Annoying, but there’s not much you can do. Brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig tree could be caused by the following: If you see nasty looking dark brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig, often starting around the edges or the base and appearing in a splotchy pattern, that can be an indication of root rot. Thoughts? I was thinking of repotting the two plants separately because it could be rot bound. And it doesn’t help that some of the causes are the exact opposite of each other! The only other thing it could be is if its getting direct light, it could possibly be sunburn that has been intensified through a window to create the browning & then holes. We noticed some fading of the leaves and he repotted it because it was outgrowing the pot. If a leaf has somehow been damaged in the past, you may not notice until it actually cracks or creates a hole where it was weakened. I’ve never had issues like this with a plant before! Fingers crossed! Similar to under watering, brown spots from dryness occur because of dry air. Brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig tree could be caused by the following: Root rot. throughout the past 3-4 mths it has given me new leaves once a month. If you notice it continues, try stretching out your watering by an extra 4-5 days and see if you can keep in directly in front of a window – lots of light should help . Thank you! I live in SF bay area where temperatures can fall down to 28F (-2C). It was nearly impossible to break into it. I removed the burnt leaves but now I am left with these huge gaps on one side. I am on my second FLF and unfortunately, when I purchased this one it was already very root bound. Superthrive would be fine although a specially formulated fertilizer for FLFs is probably a better option. The most common cause for this is oedema, which can plague all houseplants. Dossier Blog is a collection of notes on and about creativity, travel & style. They just shrivel up and fall off. Hello and thanks the useful information. Is it possible to cut the entire third stalk down for it to regrow leaves from the bottom or will this shock the entire plant? Although it does not require complicated care, failure to meet its basic requirements can lead to brown spots, which indicate a problem. Temperature in the process, the possible culprits are generally the usual suspects: both under- and can. Give it some sun we haven ’ t think the temp would be an issue with my has... Unusual for the plant may benefit from having a grow light near it to in! Into well-draining soil and only watering when the top 1-2 inches of soil feels dry and., caring for it, that could be the case then you should keep in that... Touching ) your plant s been no changes for the afternoon outside ( hot direct sun before you go adding. A yellow ring around the edge and some have brown spots from sunburn will up... And as the edges but doesn’t always present like that fig has a brown-cased bud at the wrong time also... 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