Stop trying to mix species. So, they can be kept together as long as you introduce them at a young age. Same sex pairs can fall out so it is This works just like a divider. Having hamsters as pets can be entertaining to watch, handle and play with. Not all hamsters are compatible and mixing the wrong breeds could have some pretty bad consequences. If you’re planning on keeping multiple dwarf hamsters together, you’re going to need to provide them plenty of space to sleep, exercise and play. Dwarf hamsters Dwarf hamsters are tiny hamsters that originate from the desert regions. (When housing multiple hamsters, I now start with two of everything from the outset!). Keep in mind that even if you are doing everything right and to the best of your ability, the bond may not work. Although hamsters mostly spend their time alone, they do crave for human attention every once in a while. Provide them with two food dishes, exercise wheels, two water bottles and hiding places. Your email address will not be published. Before placing two dwarf hamsters in a cage together, consider these guides to help you make an informed choice: How to Sex Hamsters What Kind of Hamster do I Have? If you have dwarf hamsters, you shouldn’t keep ones of different sexes together. In time, there will be competition between them. So you’re in the pet store choosing a hamster to take home but you just can’t pick between all the little beady eyes looking up at you. So, don’t try to break this rule and save your precious little hamsters on time. If you do choose two dwarf hamsters together, make sure you get them at the same time, so they'll already be friends. so have a read if you’re looking for the best hamster cage. I would recommend you to introduce dwarf hamsters to each other by placing one hamster in a smaller wire cage that is fitted in a larger one. All of this can make it pretty hard to distinguish whether your pets are just having fun or if there’s something more serious going on. The great thing about dwarf hamsters is that all breeds can live happily together when kept in small groups of their own species. Potential dangers of guinea pig and hamster play dates Never place a hamster or Roborovski, Winter white and Campbell’s dwarfs can live together if introduced at a young age. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Roborovski hamster care, as well as key Robo hamster facts and information. Many people have successfully kept two hamsters happily in the same cage so if you like the idea of having two hamsters you should try and see how they get on. Good luck. Dwarf hamsters bond closely over time and usually for life. Make sure to keep an eye on their behaviors to avoid fights as time passes. Integrating winter white dwarf hamsters together is a difficult thing to do. Put the other hamster free inside the larger cage. If you do, this can cause aggression between them. Even keeping two Syrians together in the same cage is risky business and can only be successfully achieved while the hamsters are young. Make sure that both your hamsters are dwarf hamsters and preferably from the same litter. The larger cage one goes into smaller mesh one and vice versa. Hamsters can also bite when they think something is food or are trying to defend themselves Related posts: Can Hamsters and Rats Play Together? Around the age of 4 to 6 weeks is best for them to be introduced, anything after this period makes it more difficult. What you should be wary of is very loud squeak sounds or constant squeaks. Roborovski dwarf hamsters are amazing little animals that are full of personality. Sadly, you’re going to have no choice but to permanently separate them. They're just grumpy old coots, man. Dwarf hamsters will live with another hamster happily with which they grew up with or where introduced to from a young age. We have an in-depth guide on hamster cages so have a read if you’re looking for the best hamster cage. Confusion arises because of their physical similarity to Campbell's dwarf hamster, consequently, the name Djungarian hamster and Russian dwarf can refer to both winter white and Campbell's dwarf hamsters. The best thing you can do is have a backup hamster cage (even if it’s just a cheap cage from Amazon) and keep it tucked away just in case you ever need it. They can with supervision, but do take care care as one kick from a rabbit could really injure a hamster. With 28+ square feet of play area, this fully enclosed plastic hamster playpen will keep your hamsters safe inside as they play. Get a same-sex pair of dwarf hamsters. Your email address will not be published. There’s nothing worse than keeping two angry hamsters together in the same cage. Nobody wants to see their pets getting hurt or killed. All that being said, dwarf hamsters can be kept together successfully and it’s really entertaining watching a small group of hamsters interact. Always have a backup plan. Dwarf hamsters usually prefer to live socially, in pairs or groups. It’s better if your hamsters are the same sex. Roborovskis are the smallest species of dwarf hamster. Can Hamsters Get Rabies? You can also cut the size down for a single hamster by connecting fewer panels together (they connect without any need for tools). They can live together – either two of the same sex as a pair and sometimes in same sex groups. Winter white dwarf hamsters are a unique type of hamster famed for the coat of Right, so i got my roborovski hamsters 2 days ago (2 females) they do so much together (eg,sleep and lay on each other) BUT i have noticed one chacing the other around and then they jump on each other ( there is no squeaking or inguries ) ive never seen play or real hamster fights so i have no idea wether this is harmless fun or dangerous games x The answer is yes, but be prepared to have plenty of more little hamsters. Winter White Dwarf Hamsters are quite hardy but it’s important to check them every day. The different diets of dwarf hamster versus other hamster species, as well as their relatively bountiful natural habitats, lead to fewer fights over food and territory. Dwarf hamsters have a lifespan of a few years so you want to buy a young hamster to maximize the time you will have with your new furry friend. Most hamsters seen at pet stores are quite young, and even Syrian (also known as golden) hamsters can be kept together at a young age. Hamsters that can live together in the same cage Let’s start by taking a look at which hamsters can live together. Syrian hamsters should not be kept with dwarf hamsters either. Bigger is always better when it comes to hamster cages. Although hamsters love to live alone dwarf hamsters are an exception. Don’t worry; the female dwarfs will be safe and happy together. I suggest keeping them in separate cages after breeding. For example, one Winter White and one Roborovski is a no no but two Winter Whites will live happily together. Firstly buy a big cage that has two sets of everything because hamsters don’t like sharing at all. Russian Dwarf hamsters can live together but have been known to start to fight as they get older. Dwarf hamsters can get along with same-sex roommates if they're paired together from a young enough age. Naming The hamster has no fully accepted common name, winter white dwarf hamster and Russian dwarf hamster are among the most often used. Dwarf hamsters are extremely playful, and they love it when their humans shower them with affection. russian dwarf hamsters are okay to go together as long as they are two males, if its 2 females, they have to have been together from birth. These tendencies start to develop when Syrian hamsters are between six and eight weeks old, and after this point they should be housed on their own. After a few days, check if they are not behaving aggressively towards each other, then remove the mesh divider. Unlike cats or dogs, they won’t bond with you, but They tend to be very territorial and just don’t get along in the same enclosed space together. Always have a backup plan. The Best Dwarf Hamster Bedding – Sawdust Vs. CareFresh, What’s The Best Pet For A Small Apartment or Flat? I am looking to get a Robo dwarf and my sister would like to get a fancy russian dwarf hamster and we would like it if they like each other so they can play together. If you’re planning on keeping multiple dwarf hamsters together, you’re going to need to provide them plenty of space to sleep, exercise and play. Roborovskis are the smallest species of dwarf hamster which is why they are commonly kept in small groups (they take up less space in your cage!). There have been reports of dwarf hamsters sharing burrows with other hamsters and even Pikas. A dwarf and another type will fight, or the larger one will be dominant over the dwarf … Dwarf hamsters (read our sister site’s top 5 facts about dwarf hamsters) will sometimes live happily in the same accommodation; however, it’s always best to keep hamsters of the same sex together. Separate them immediately. One of the first thing I thought when buying little Rocky from the pet shop was should I buy another one to keep him company. Syrian hamsters or Golden hamsters as they are more commonly known, cannot live with a partner. Dwarf hamsters are one of the only types of hamster that can live together in pairs or sometimes groups. if they are two If they’re young and already get along pretty well, you’re good to go! Dwarf hamsters have a dark strip of fur running from their head down to their tail and are often brown in color, unless they are albino, then they will be all white. You should avoid keeping groups of mixed dwarf hamster breeds together as this can lead to aggression, territorial behaviour and fighting. As soon as violent fights break out or you notice an injury that’s likely to have been caused by hamster warfare, separate them immediately! Allow them to explore and interact with each other. Handle both dwarf hamsters together to avoid returning one to the cage with a foreign scent that might invite an attack. However, if you house multiple pairs in the same room, keep the male cages away from the female cages — close proximity of the opposite sex can cause stress. Required fields are marked *. Getting a mixed-sex pair can lead to pregnancy and the need to separate the pair permanently as well as purchase multiple new cages to house the baby hamsters in same-sex pairs or groups. You can also provide two water bottles, two hamster wheels and multiple nesting areas as a further precaution. Hamsters from the same litter are your best bet but not the only option, just make sure both your hamsters are under 4 months old when you introduce them together. This lead me to the question can dwarf hamsters live together? These Pups are a little over 3 weeks old and this activity is completely normal. The male and female hamsters will breed rapidly. Following the tips above will set you on the best possible path to keeping multiple hamsters together successfully. can hamsters and rabbits … Continue reading can hamsters and rabbits play together… A piggy in their play area can cause stress and aggression. and keep it tucked away just in case you ever need it. Some dwarf hamsters even like to playfight! Top 12 List, Hamster Supplies: Everything You Need For A Pet Hamster (Checklist), Best Dwarf Hamster Wheels (Reviews) & Hamster Wheel Size Guide, Do Hamsters Need A Wheel? The great thing about dwarf hamsters is that all breeds can live happily together when kept in small groups of their own species. This tactic has worked a charm for me when I’ve had to deal with hamster fighting in the past so it’s definitely worth a shot. If you want two hamsters living in one cage, you should take a look at getting one of these. Bigger is always better when it comes to hamster cages. We have an. Although this might surprise you, a hamster can be aggressive to other adults, especially the Syrian hamster. As Syrians reach maturity they become incredibly territorial and will fight with any other hamster that is perceived as a threat. If they live with a cagemate, they tend to be friendlier toward humans. Roborovski Dwarf : This species is quite sucessful when kept in pairs or groups up to 4, but Robos do sometimes need to be separated. Campbells Russian Dwarf: These hamsters often live together in harmony in pairs or groups of 4. Get in touch if you have any specific questions you’d like to get answered! They also sometimes squeak to let their cage-mate know they’re being trampled on. Unfortunately it’s not always that simple. Hamsters do not like sharing their enclosures with other animals, even other hamsters. This way they can smell and hear each other without the danger of them attacking each other. Make sure you provide enough space for both. But even this is unreliable. Two male hamsters can also live together but you should look out for signs of aggression and be prepared to separate them if this happens. For example, one Winter White and one Roborovski is a no no but two Winter Whites will live happily together. 1) No they can't play together, becuase the hamster is ALOT smaller than an rabbit and it could easily tread on your hammy, if your friends rabbits is … Loners, Dottie. However, it is important to note that not all dwarf hamsters are sociable. Hamsters squeak to communicate with each other and this is perfectly normal (and pretty amusing to watch). But even this is unreliable. Signs that they’re unwell can be very difficult to spot in this little creature if you don’t keep a close eye on them. Do not ever try to introduce a young hamster to an older hamster this won’t end well. and they are the Campbell’s dwarf, Winter White, Roborovski and Chinese hamster. Below we’ll cover the types of hamsters that can live together and how to keep multiple hamsters in one cage. When dwarf hamsters are introduced together while young, there is a much higher chance that they will live happily together long-term. Here’s Why Hamsters Love Exercise Wheels, How To Keep A Chinese Dwarf Hamster – Complete Care Guide. If you have adult hamsters and mice, it is advisable not to keep them together. When keeping multiple hamsters together, you may hear the odd squeak from time to time. Dwarf hamsters are great pets for children (9+), teenagers and adults. If you would like to take care of more than one hamster, have a read of the tips below to set your cage up for success. Dwarfs are social animals, so you should always aim to purchase a pair together. However, there are some things you can do to make the job easier. If the divider approach works and the dwarf hamster pair get along you can remove the divider. Rebels. Leaving your dwarf hamsters to fight will result in one of the hamsters getting badly injured and eventually killed. You should avoid keeping groups of mixed dwarf hamster breeds together as this can lead to aggression, territorial behaviour and fighting. If you do start hearing some distressing squeaks, go and see what’s happening. Syrian and all other breeds cannot be put in with other hamsters. All of them are dwarf On the other hand, dwarf hamsters can sometimes live together under the condition that there is adequate space, resources, and they are same-sex pairings/hordes from the same litter. Should You Be Worried, How to Keep a Hamster Warm In The Cold Winter Months, Can a Hamster Get Fleas – How to Treat Them. No, it would always result in fighting. But their sociability varies, and some dwarf hamsters prefer to live alone. If you’re buying dwarf hamsters from a pet store, only pick the hamsters that are already living together in the same cage. Another great tip for reducing hamster aggression is to fill your hamster cage with two of everything. The fact is, you should NEVER NEVER EVER house two different species of rodent in the same cage or even let them play together. Roborovski, Winter white and Campbell’s dwarfs can live together if introduced at a young age. They are more friendly and social when kept in pairs. If your goal is not creating baby hamsters, then buy separate cages and keep them apart. Why not just keep two or three hamsters together? There are four main species of dwarf hamster and they are the Campbell’s dwarf, Winter White, Roborovski and Chinese hamster. They must be separated. Whilst they can live together you might find that some people, because of the reasons we mention below, still choose to keep their hamsters separate. Russian Dwarf hamsters can live together but have been known to start to fight as they get older. Introducing two Males should be kept with males, and the same goes for females. Any signs of fighting should be monitored closely and if you notice injuries – separate the hamsters immediately! So can hamsters and rabbits play together? There’s nothing worse than keeping two angry hamsters together in the same cage. For example, some hamsters don’t like sharing their food bowl so placing two food bowls in your cage can reduce aggression during meal time. which is why they are commonly kept in small groups (they take up less space in your cage!). Russian dwarf hamsters can live together with a companion however there is a good chance that they will not get along when they mature. This could indicate fighting. Sharing cage would become a big problem. The fact is that some hamsters should be kept together, such as Syrian hamsters. Whether you decide to keep just one hamster or a small group, hopefully this article has helped you make a more informed decision. Dwarf hamsters are usually pretty friendly by nature but if a fight does break it, it won’t end well. These hamsters are often known as ‘dwarf’ or ‘Russian’ hamster and grow to 8cm in length. No, Syrians are best kept in their own cage away from other hamsters. They will get along better from the young age without any trouble. Whilst they can live together you might find that some people, because of the reasons we mention below, still choose to keep their hamsters separate. Unlike larger hamsters, they are very social and are happiest when they are in groups. A week later, change their places. Leave them like this for a few days so they get used to each other. Keeping Multiple Hamsters - Can Dwarf Hamsters Live Together? Even still, you must be prepared to Your dwarf hamster's cage will need to be as large as possible, secure and suitable for their size – avoid cages with wide bars intended for larger Syrian hamsters, their small size means dwarf hamsters are very good escape artists! If you are going to put two hamsters together, it is best to keep the same species together. No. If this method does not work, repeat it two more times to see If they really want to be friends or not. The best thing you can do is have a backup hamster cage, (even if it’s just a cheap cage from Amazon). It more difficult one kick from a rabbit could really injure a hamster worry ; the female will. With other hamsters does break it, it is important to note that not all hamsters the. Little animals that are full of personality not get along pretty well, you may the. Pups are a little over 3 weeks old and this is perfectly normal ( do dwarf hamsters play together! Right and to the best Pet for a few days, check if they are the Campbell s! Are two Roborovski dwarf hamsters are compatible and mixing the wrong breeds could have some pretty consequences. A pair and sometimes in same sex as a pair together to fill hamster... 4 to 6 weeks is best for them to be introduced, anything after this period makes it more.! 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